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How did you vote? vs Subjective social class

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This chart includes estimates for one or more groups that are too small to be statistically reliable, interpret with caution.

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  • 'Yes, other'

Source: British Election Study, 2024 (N=19,137)

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Subjective social class
  No Yes, middle class Yes, working class Yes, other Don't know Total
How did you vote? N % N % N % N % N % N %
I voted by post 1,713 38.4 2,024 37.9 3,068 37.2 63 30.0 297 34.2 7,166 37.4
I visited the polling station on my own 1,585 35.5 1,850 34.6 3,060 37.1 103 49.0 352 40.5 6,950 36.3
I visited the polling station with someone else 1,153 25.8 1,418 26.6 2,079 25.2 41 19.4 206 23.6 4,896 25.6
Someone else voted for me (proxy voting) 8 0.2 47 0.9 34 0.4 3 1.7 2 0.2 95 0.5
Don't know 8 0.2 2 0.0 9 0.1 0 0.0 12 1.4 31 0.2
Total 4,468 100 5,341 100 8,250 100 209 100 869 100 19,137 100