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60th Year Anniversary Lecture – British Election Study

The British Election Study team

At the British Academy, Professor Edward Fieldhouse delivered the 60th Year Anniversary Lecture for the British Election Study (BES), on Monday 9th September.

Paul Brand, ITV’s UK Editor, presenter of ITV Tonight and LBC, chaired the event and began by sharing just how vital the BES data and indeed analysis was for the run up to the 2024 general election and his series ‘The Fight for 24’.

Professor Fieldhouse presented to an audience of fellow British Election Study team members, past and present, colleagues, industry leaders, politicians, BES users, friends, and media. He began with a story about the origins of the BES and the founding members, followed by a look back over the past 60 years and a brief review of some of the key milestones of the BES to-date.

Sharing the most recent findings of the BES pre- and post-election surveys Professor Fieldhouse gave insights into the 2024 general election outcome and what we might come to expect going forward. He used a series of graphics to explain the Brexit realignment and how patterns of voting established after the referendum still hold true today. While the Conservatives lost many supporters in 2024, who would vote to stay out of the EU, they mainly moved to Reform UK. Similarly, those voters who would vote to rejoin the EU, switched between alternative pro-European parties. He went on to explain the real impact of tactical voting, volatility among the electorate, and the rise of Reform UK.

Paul Brand began the audience Q&A with some of his own observations and questions following the recent election and his on-going work to inform the public about important political news.

For further information, please watch the full Lecture.

A short overview of the 60th Year Anniversary BES Lecture is also available.

If you would like to view the slides from the presentation, please click here:

Please be aware that any figures are only preliminary at this stage. However, if you would like to cite the presentation, please use the following citation: Fieldhouse, Edward  (2024) Realignment? Election 24 and the shadow of Brexit. Lessons from 60 years of the British Election Study; BES 60 Year Anniversary Lecture, The British Academy, 10-11 Carlton House Terrace, London, 9th September 2024.