British Election Study data has been used extensively in political science research and analysis. Below are some recent publications and journals which make use of BES data. We will update this list periodically – please contact us to let us know any references we have overlooked when compiling this list.
Abreu, Maria, and Özge Öner. 2020. “Disentangling the Brexit Vote: The Role of Economic, Social and Cultural Contexts in Explaining the UK’s EU Referendum Vote.” Environment and Planning A 52(7):1434–56. doi:10.1177/0308518X20910752.
Ackland, James, Andres Gvirtz, Jason Rentfrow, and Lee De-Wit. 2021. “Psychological Electoral Neighbourhood Effects.” PsyArXiv Preprints: 1–32. doi:10.31234/
Adams, James, Samuel Merrill III, and Roi Zur. 2023. “How Much Does Issue Salience Matter? A Model with Applications to the UK Elections.” European Journal of Political Research. doi:10.1111/1475-6765.12634.
Adler, David, and Ben Ansell. 2020. “Housing and Populism.” West European Politics 43(2): 344–65. doi:10.1080/01402382.2019.1615322.
Agnew, John. 2018. “Too Many Scotlands? Place, the SNP, and the Future of Nationalist Mobilization.” Scottish Geographical Journal 134(1–2): 5–23. doi:10.1080/14702541.2017.1413206.
Ahlstrom-Vij, Kristoffer, and William L. Allen. 2023. “As We Like It: Did the UK’s 2016 EU Referendum Reveal the ‘Will of the People?’” PS: Political Science & Politics 56(4): 560–65. doi:10.1017/S104909652300046X.
Albornoz, Facundo, Jake Bradley, and Silvia Sonderegger. 2020. “The Brexit Referendum and the Rise in Hate Crime.” CeDEx Discussion Paper Series.
Aldrich, J. H., R. K. Gibson, M. Cantijoch, and T. Konitzer. 2015. “Getting out the Vote in the Social Media Era: Are Digital Tools Changing the Extent, Nature and Impact of Party Contacting in Elections?” Party Politics 22(2): 165–78. doi:10.1177/1354068815605304.
Alexandre-Collier, Agnès. 2020. “From Rebellion to Extinction: Where Have All the Tory Remainer MPs Gone?” Political Quarterly 91(1): 24–30. doi:10.1111/1467-923X.12824.
Algara, Carlos, and Roi Zur. 2023. “The Downsian Roots of Affective Polarization.” Electoral Studies 82. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2023.102581.
Allen, Nicholas, and Judith Bara. 2016. “‘Public Foreplay’ or Programmes for Government? The Content of the 2015 Party Manifestos.” Parliamentary Affairs May 2016. doi:10.1093/pa/gsw020.
Allen, Nicholas, Judith Bara, and John Bartle. 2017. “Finding a Niche? Challenger Parties and Issue Emphasis in the 2015 Televised Leaders’ Debates.” British Journal of Politics and International Relations 19(4): 807–23. doi:10.1177/1369148117715014.
Allen, Nicholas, Sarah Birch, and Katja Sarmiento-Mirwaldt. 2018. “Honesty above All Else? Expectations and Perceptions of Political Conduct in Three Established Democracies.” Comparative European Politics 16(3): 511–34. doi:10.1057/s41295-016-0084-4.
Allen, William L., Kristoffer Ahlstrom-Vij, Heather Rolfe, and Johnny Runge. 2023. “Communicating Economic Evidence About Immigration Changes Attitudes and Policy Preferences.” International Migration Review. doi:10.1177/01979183221142779.
Allsop, Bradley, and Ben Kisby. 2019. “The ‘Youthquake’ in British Politics: Myth or Reality?” Societies 9(4): 68. doi:10.3390/soc9040068.
Anderson, Cameron D., and R. Michael Mcgregor. 2016. “Explaining Stability and Change of Territorial Identities.” Nations and Nationalism 22(1): 84–102. doi:10.1111/nana.12152.
Anderson, Dylan S.J. 2022. “The Tipping Point of a Strategic Vote: When Does an Individual Vote
Strategically?” Canadian Journal of Political Science 55(3): 645–62. doi:10.1017/S0008423922000312.
Ansell, Ben, and David Adler. 2019a. “Brexit and the Politics of Housing in Britain.” Political Quarterly 90(S2): 105–16. doi:10.1111/1467-923X.12621.
Ansell, Ben, and Jane Gingrich. 2022. “Political Inequality.” The IFS Deaton Review of Inequalities.
Antonucci, Lorenza, Laszlo Horvath, Yordan Kutiyski, and André Krouwel. 2017. “The Malaise of the Squeezed Middle: Challenging the Narrative of the ‘Left behind’ Brexiter.” Competition & Change. doi:10.1177/1024529417704135.
Arnorsson, Agust, and Gylfi Zoega. 2018a. “On the Causes of Brexit.” European Journal of Political Economy 55(November 2016): 301–23. doi:10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2018.02.001.
Arzheimer, Kai, and Harald Schoen. 2016. “Political Interest Furthers Partisanship in England, Scotland, and Wales.” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 26(3): 373–89. doi:10.1080/17457289.2016.1179315.
Bale, Tim. 2018a. “Who Leads and Who Follows? The Symbiotic Relationship between UKIP and the Conservatives – and Populism and Euroscepticism.” Politics 38(3): 263–77. doi:10.1177/0263395718754718.
Bale, Tim, and Paul Webb. 2015. “The Conservatives: Their Sweetest Victory?” Parliamentary Affairs 68:41–53. doi:10.1093/pa/gsv026.
Ballard, R, and C Barnett. 2022. The Routledge Handbook of Social Change. London: Taylor & Francis.
Baltz, Samuel. 2022. “How Strategic Are Most Voters? Evidence from Simulations.” /files/nearTieVoting_20220407.pdf.
Banducci, Susan et al. 2017. “Model Selection in Observational Media Effects Research: A Systematic Review and Validation of Effects.” Political Science 69(3): 227–46. doi:10.1080/00323187.2017.1411766.
Bankert, Alexa, Leonie Huddy, and Martin Rosema. 2017. “Measuring Partisanship as a Social Identity in Multi-Party Systems.” Political Behavior 39(1): 103–32. doi:10.1007/s11109-016-9349-5.
Barclay, Andrew. 2020. “When Religious Voting Becomes Volatile: The Case of Jewish Voters in Britain.” Politics and Religion 13(3): 544–74. doi:10.1017/S1755048320000188.
Barclay, Andrew, Maria Sobolewska, and Robert Ford. 2019a. “Political Realignment of British Jews: Testing Competing Explanations.” Electoral Studies 61. doi:10.1016/J.ELECTSTUD.2019.102063.
Barker, Fiona, and Kate McMillan. 2017. “Factors Influencing the Electoral Participation of Asian Immigrants in New Zealand.” Political Science 69(2): 139–60. doi:10.1080/00323187.2017.1348236.
Barkovic-Parsons, Caladan, Robert Hodgson, and John Maloney. 2017. “Are Marginals Different? Evidence from British Elections 1950–2015.” Public Choice 171(3–4): 303–21. doi:10.1007/s11127-017-0438-8.
Barnes, Lucy, and Timothy Hicks. 2018. “Making Austerity Popular: The Media and Mass Attitudes toward Fiscal Policy.” American Journal of Political Science 62(2): 340–54. doi:10.1111/ajps.12346.
Baron, Denise, Benjamin Lauderdale, and Jennifer Sheehy-Skeffington. 2023. “A Leader Who Sees the World as I Do: Voters Prefer Candidates Whose Statements Reveal Matching Social-Psychological Attitudes.” Political Psychology 44(4): 893–916. doi:10.1111/pops.12891.
Bartle, John, and Nicholas Allen. 2021. Breaking the Deadlock: Britain at the Polls, 2019. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Basu, Chitralekha. 2024. “How the Media Matters for the Economic Vote: Evidence from Britain.” Electoral Studies 87: 102735. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2023.102735.
———. 2023. “Communicative Power, Inequality and Representation.” /uploads/6/3/0/3/63033901/comrep_sep2023_web.pdf.
Becker, Sascha, Theimo Fetzer, and Dennis Novy. 2017. “Who Voted for Brexit? A Comprehensive District Level Analysis.” Economic Policy October 2017: 601–50. doi:10.1093/epolic/eix012.
Beiser-McGrath, Liam F. 2022. “COVID-19 Led to a Decline in Climate and Environmental Concern: Evidence from UK Panel Data.” Climatic Change 174(3–4): 1–11. doi:10.1007/s10584-022-03449-1.
Bell, Torsten, and Laura Gardiner. 2019. “My Generation, Baby: The Politics of Age in Brexit Britain.” Political Quarterly 90(S2): 128–41. doi:10.1111/1467-923X.12623.
Bertelli, Anthony M., and J. Andrew Sinclair. 2015. “Mass Administrative Reorganization, Media Attention, and the Paradox of Information.” Public Administration Review 75(6): 855–66. doi:10.1111/puar.12396.
Berz, Jan. 2020. “The Effect of Voters’ Economic Perception, Brexit and Campaigns on the Evaluation of Party Leaders over Time.” British Journal of Politics and International Relations 22(2): 202–19. doi:10.1177/1369148119886220.
Bhatti, Yosef, Edward Fieldhouse, and Kasper M. Hansen. 2018a. “It’s a Group Thing: How Voters Go to the Polls Together.” Political Behavior 42: 1–34. doi:10.1007/s11109-018-9484-2.
Bimber, Bruce, Marta Cantijoch Cunill, Lauren Copeland, and Rachel Gibson. 2015. “Digital Media and Political Participation: The Moderating Role of Political Interest Across Acts and Over Time.” Social Science Computer Review 33(1): 21–42. doi:10.1177/0894439314526559.
Birch, Sarah, and Guy Lodge. 2015. “Voter Engagement , Electoral Inequality and First-Time Compulsory Voting.” The Political Quarterly 86(3): 385–92. doi:10.1111/1467-923X.12178.
Bisgaard, Martin. 2015. “Bias Will Find a Way: Economic Perceptions, Attributions of Blame, and PartisanMotivated Reasoning during Crisis.” The Journal of Politics 77(3): 849–60. doi:10.1086/681591.
Bittner, Amanda. 2014. “Leader Evaluations and Partisan Stereotypes – A Comparative Analysis.” In Personality Politics?: The Role of Leader Evaluations in Democratic Elections, eds. Marina Costa Lobo and John Curtice. , 17–38.
Blais, André, and Jean-François Daoust. 2020. The Motivation to Vote : Explaining Electoral Participation.
Blais, André, and Arianna Degan. 2018. “L’étude Empirique Du Vote Stratégique.” L’Actualité économique 93(1–2): 47. doi:10.7202/1044715ar.
Blanchflower, David G., and Andrew Oswald. 2017. “Do Humans Suffer a Psychological Low in Midlife? Two Approaches (With and Without Controls) in Seven Data Sets.” NBER Working Paper Series: 24. doi:10.3386/w23724.
Bloom, Nicholas, Carol Propper, Stephan Seiler, and John Van Reenen. 2015. “The Impact of Competition on Management Quality: Evidence from Public Hospitals.” Review of Economic Studies 82: 457–89.
Blumenau, Jack et al. 2021. Testing Negative: The Non-Consequences of Covid-19 on Mass Political Attitudes. APSA Preprint. doi:10.33774/apsa-2021-qpczc.
Bol, Damien, André Blais, and Jean François Laslier. 2018. “A Mixed-Utility Theory of Vote Choice Regret.” Public Choice 176(3–4): 461–78. doi:10.1007/s11127-018-0571-z.
Borkowska, Magda, and Renee Luthra. 2022. “Socialization Disrupted: The Intergenerational Transmission of Political Engagement in Immigrant Families.” International Migration Review. doi:10.1177/01979183221134277.
Bove, Vincenzo, Riccardo Di Leo, Georgios Efthyvoulou, and Harry Pickard. 2022. “Terrorism, Perpetrators and Polarization: Evidence from Natural Experiments.” /364320109.
Breton, Charles, Fred Cutler, Sarah Lachance, and Alex Mierke-Zatwarnicki. 2017. “Telephone versus Online Survey Modes for Election Studies: Comparing Canadian Public Opinion and Vote Choice in the 2015 Federal Election.” Canadian Journal of Political Science 50(4): 1005–36. doi:10.1017/S0008423917000610.
Burnap, Pete et al. 2016. “140 Characters to Victory?: Using Twitter to Predict the UK 2015 General Election.” Electoral Studies 41: 230–33. doi:10.1016/J.ELECTSTUD.2015.11.017.
Campbell, Rosie, and Sarah Childs. 2015a. “All Aboard the Pink Battle Bus? Women Voters, Women’s Issues, Candidates and Party Leaders.” Parliamentary Affairs 68: 206–23. doi:10.1093/pa/gsv036.
———. 2015b. “‘To the Left, to the Right.’” Party Politics 21(4): 626–37. doi:10.1177/1354068813491536.
Campbell, Rosie, and Oliver Heath. 2017. “Do Women Vote for Women Candidates? Attitudes toward Descriptive Representation and Voting Behavior in the 2010 British Election.” Politics and Gender 13(2): 209–31. doi:10.1017/S1743923X16000672.
Campbell, Rosie, and Rosalind Shorrocks. 2021a. “Finally Rising with the Tide? Gender and the Vote in the 2019 British Elections.” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 31(4): 488–507. doi:10.1080/17457289.2021.1968412.
———. 2021b. “Women Voters Taking the Wheel?” Political Quarterly 92(4): 652–61. doi:10.1111/1467-923X.13053.
Carl, Noah. 2017. “Ethnicity and Electoral Fraud in Britain.” Electoral Studies 50: 128–36. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2017.09.011.
———. 2018. “IQ and Political Attitudes across British Regions and Local Authorities.” Intelligence 69(March): 169–75. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2018.06.002.
Carnes, Nicholas, and Noam Lupu. 2016. “Do Voters Dislike Working-Class Candidates? Voter Biases and the Descriptive Underrepresentation of the Working Class.” American Political Science Review 110(04): 832–44. doi:10.1017/S0003055416000551.
Carreras, Miguel. 2019. “‘What Do We Have to Lose?’: Local Economic Decline, Prospect Theory, and Support for Brexit.” Electoral Studies 62(June): 102094. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2019.102094.
Carreras, Miguel, Yasemin Irepoglu Carreras, and Shaun Bowler. 2019. “Long-Term Economic Distress, Cultural Backlash, and Support for Brexit.” Comparative Political Studies 52(9): 1396–1424. doi:10.1177/0010414019830714.
Carter, Neil, and Mitya Pearson. 2022. “From Green Crap to Net Zero: Conservative Climate Policy 2015–2022.” British Politics. doi:10.1057/s41293-022-00222-x.
Carvalho, Henrique, and Anastasia Chamberlen. 2018. “Why Punishment Pleases: Punitive Feelings in a World of Hostile Solidarity.” Punishment and Society 20(2): 217–34. doi:10.1177/1462474517699814.
Chamberlen, Anastasia, and Henrique Carvalho. 2018. “The Thrill of the Chase: Punishment, Hostility and the Prison Crisis.” Social and Legal Studies. doi:10.1177/0964663918759820.
Chiocchetti, Paolo. 2023. “The Divided Left in the UK: Partisanship, Ideology and Class after Brexit.” In Affective Polarisation, Bristol: Bristol University Press, 11–32. /display/book/9781529222289/ch001.xml (December 22, 2023).
Chrisp, Joe, and Nick Pearce. 2019a. “Grey Power: Towards a Political Economy of Older Voters in the UK.” Political Quarterly 90(4): 743–56. doi:10.1111/1467-923X.12737.
Chzhen, Kat, Geoffrey Evans, and Mark Pickup. 2014. “When Do Economic Perceptions Matter for Party Approval?: Examining the Endogeneity of Economic Perceptions Before and During the Economic Downturn.” Political Behavior 36(2): 291–313. doi:10.1007/s11109-013-9236-2.
Ciobanu, Costin. 2024. “The Electoral Risks of Austerity.” European Journal of Political Research 63(1): 348–69. doi 10.1111/1475-6765.12604.
Clark, Alistair. 2023. “The Public Funding of Election Administration: Evidence from a British General Election.” Political Studies Review. doi:10.1177/14789299221148429.
Clarke, Harold et al. 2016. “Modelling the Dynamics of Support for a Right-Wing Populist Party: The Case of UKIP.” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 7289(April): 1–20. doi:10.1080/17457289.2016.1146286 T4 – The case of UKIP M4 – Citavi.
Clarke, Harold D., Matthew Goodwin, and Paul Whiteley. 2017. “Why Britain Voted For Brexit: An Individual-Level Analysis of the 2016 Referendum Vote.” Parliamentary Affairs 70(3): 439–64. doi:10.1093/pa/gsx005.
Claus, Edda, and Viet Hoang Nguyen. 2018. “Consumptor Economicus: How Do Consumers Form Expectations on Economic Variables?” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 152: 254–75. doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2018.04.016.
Clements, B, and S Bullivant. 2022. Catholics in Contemporary Britain: Faith, Society, Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Clements, Ben. 2017. “Weekly Churchgoing amongst Roman Catholics in Britain: Long-Term Trends and Contemporary Analysis.” Journal of Beliefs & Values 38(1): 32–44. doi:10.1080/13617672.2016.1237422.
———. 2018. “Attitudes towards Faith-Based Schooling amongst Roman Catholics in Britain.” British Journal of Religious Education 40(1): 44–54. doi:10.1080/01416200.2015.1128393.
Clements, Ben, and Clive D. Field. 2014. “The Polls-Trends: Public Opinion toward Homosexuality and Gay Rights in Great Britain.” Public Opinion Quarterly 78(2): 523–47. doi:10.1093/poq/nfu018.
Clements, Ben, and Nick Spencer. 2014. “Public Opinion in Britain towards the Disestablishment of the Church of England.” Journal of Anglican Studies: 1–20. doi:10.1017/S1740355313000399.
Colantone, Italo, and Piero Stanig. 2018. “Global Competition and Brexit.” American Political Science Review 112(2): 1–18. doi:10.1017/S0003055417000685.
Collignon, Sofia, and Javier Sajuria. 2018. “Local Means Local, Does It? Regional Identification and Preferences for Local Candidates.” Electoral Studies 56(January): 170–78. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2018.07.003.
Cooper, Luke, and Christabel Cooper. 2020. “‘Get Brexit Done’: The New Political Divides of England and Wales at the 2019 Election.” Political Quarterly 91(4): 751–61. doi:10.1111/1467-923X.12918.
Crulli, Mirko. 2022. “Vote Metropolitanization after the Transnational Cleavage and the Suburbanization of Radical Right Populism: The Cases of London and Rome.” Italian Journal of Electoral Studies (IJES) 85(1): 3–23. doi:10.36253/qoe-12099.
———. 2023. “Contextual Factors, Transnationalism Attitudes, and Support for GAL-TAN Parties within European Metropolises: Insights from London.” The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. doi:10.1177/13691481231189383.
Curtice, John. 2023. “A Return to ‘Normality’? The Next UK General Election.” Political Insight 14(4): 7–9. doi:10.1177/20419058231218317.
Cutts, David, Matthew Goodwin, and Caitlin Milazzo. 2017. “Defeat of the People’s Army? The 2015 British General Election and the UK Independence Party (UKIP).” Electoral Studies 48: 70–83. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2017.03.002.
Cutts, David, and Ron Johnston. 2015. “Constituency Campaigning Intensity and Its Impact at First and Second-Order Elections: Wales, 2010 and 2011.” Electoral Studies 39: 85–101. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2015.04.001.
Cutts, David, and Andrew Russell. 2018. “The Liberal Democrats: Green Shoots of Recovery or Still on Life Support?” Parliamentary Affairs 71(2017): 72–90. doi:10.1093/pa/gsx063.
Daoust, Jean-François, and André Blais. 2022. “Do Citizens Keep Voting or Abstaining by Habit? No.” SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4090013.
Dassonneville, Ruth. 2016. “Volatile Voters, Short-Term Choices? An Analysis of the Vote Choice Determinants of Stable and Volatile Voters in Great Britain.” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 7289(March): accepted. doi:10.1080/17457289.2016.1158181.
Dassonneville, Ruth, and Marc Hooghe. 2017. “The Noise of the Vote Recall Question : The Validity of the Vote Recall Question in Panel Studies In.” International Journal of Public Opinion Research 29(2).
Däubler, T. 2015. “What the UK General Elections of 2005/10 Tell Us about the Demand for Manifestos (and the Other Way Round).” Parliamentary Affairs 68(2): 401–22. doi:10.1093/pa/gsu022.
Davidson, Stewart, Stephen Elstub, Robert Johns, and Alastair Stark. 2017. “Rating the Debates: The 2010 UK Party Leaders’ Debates and Political Communication in the Deliberative System.” British Politics 12(2): 183–208. doi:10.1057/s41293-016-0021-9.
De Burca, Grainne. 2018. “Is EU Supranational Governance a Challenge to Liberal Constitutionalism?” University of Chicago Law Review 85(2): 337–68. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3105238.
De Geus, Roosmarijn, Elizabeth Ralph-Morrow, and Rosalind Shorrocks. 2022. “Understanding Ambivalent Sexism and Its Relationship with Electoral Choice in Britain.” British Journal of Political Science 52(4): 1564–83. doi:10.1017/S0007123421000612.
De Vries, Catherine E., Sara B. Hobolt, and James Tilley. 2018. “Facing up to the Facts: What Causes Economic Perceptions?” Electoral Studies 51: 115–22. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2017.09.006.
Dellmuth, Lisa Maria, and Jonas Tallberg. 2018. “Why National and International Legitimacy Beliefs Are Linked: Social Trust as an Antecedent Factor.” The Review of International Organizations. doi:10.1007/s11558-018-9339-y.
Demireva, Neli, and Anthony Heath. 2014. “Diversity and the Civic Spirit in British Neighbourhoods: An Investigation with MCDS and EMBES 2010 Data.” Sociology 48(4): 643–62. doi:10.1177/0038038513516695.
———. 2017. “Minority Embeddedness and Economic Integration: Is Diversity or Homogeneity Associated with Better Employment Outcomes?” Social Inclusion 5(1): 20. doi:10.17645/si.v5i1.825.
Denham, John. 2020. “Mind the Values Gap.” Political Quarterly 91(3): 664–69. doi:10.1111/1467-923X.12900.
Denham, John, and Daniel Devine. 2018. “England, Englishness and the Labour Party.” Political Quarterly 89(4): 621–30. doi:10.1111/1467-923X.12566.
Denham, John, and Lawrence Mckay. 2023. “The Politics of England: National Identities and Political Englishness.” The Political Quarterly 94(4): 613–24. doi:10.1111/1467-923X.13313.
Dennison, James. 2016. The Greens in British Politics: Protest, Anti-Austerity and the Divided Left. London: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-42673-0.
———. 2017. “The Rise of the Greens in British Politics.” In The Greens in British Politics, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 1–10. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-42673-0_1.
———. 2018. “The Rug Pulled from Under Them: UKIP and the Greens.” Parliamentary Affairs 71:91–108. doi:10.1093/pa/gsx064.
———. 2020. “How Niche Parties React to Losing Their Niche: The Cases of the Brexit Party, the Green Party and Change UK.” Parliamentary Affairs 73(Supplement 1): 125–41. doi:10.1093/pa/gsaa026.
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Handbook on the European Union and Brexit, eds. J.E. Fossum and C. Lord. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Dennison, James, and Matthew Goodwin. 2015. “Immigration, Issue Ownership and the Rise of UKIP.” Parliamentary Affairs 68: 168–87. doi:10.1093/pa/gsv034.
Dennison, James, and Hanspeter Kriesi. 2022. “Real-World Trends, Public Issue Salience, and Electoral Results in Europe.” doi:10.2139/ssrn.4148466.
———. 2023. “Explaining Europe’s Transformed Electoral Landscape: Structure, Salience, and Agendas.” European Political Science Review 15(4): 483–501. doi:10.1017/S1755773923000085.
Dennison, James, Alexander Kustov, and Andrew Geddes. 2023. “Public Attitudes to Immigration in the Aftermath of COVID-19: Little Change in Policy Preferences, Big Drops in Issue Salience.” International Migration Review 57(2): 557–77. doi:10.1177/01979183221134272.
Dennison, James, and Stuart J. Turnbull-Dugarte. 2022. “Populist Attitudes and Threat Perceptions of Global Transformations and Governance: Experimental Evidence from India and the United Kingdom.” Political Psychology 43(5): 873–92. doi:10.1111/pops.12817.
Dentler, Klara. 2023. “From Ambivalence to Vote Switching: Investigating the Underlying Mechanisms in
Three European Multi-Party Systems.” In Deutschland und Europa im Umbruch: Einstellungen,
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Denver, David. 2017. “Book Review: Philip Cowley and Dennis Kavanagh, The British General Election of 2015.” Political Studies Review 15(1): 140–140. doi:10.1177/1478929916668282.
Devine, Daniel, and Viktor Orri Valgarðsson. 2023. “Stability and Change in Political Trust: Evidence and Implications from Six Panel Studies.” European Journal of Political Research. doi:10.1111/1475-6765.12606.
Dommett, Katharine, and Warren Pearce. 2019. “What Do We Know about Public Attitudes towards Experts? Reviewing Survey Data in the United Kingdom and European Union.” Public Understanding of Science 28(6): 669–78. doi:10.1177/0963662519852038.
Donovan, Todd, and David Redlawsk. 2018. “Donald Trump and Right-Wing Populists in Comparative Perspective.” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 28(2): 190–207. doi:10.1080/17457289.2018.1441844.
Duggan, Alan, and Caitlin Milazzo. 2023. “Going on the Offensive: Negative Messaging in British General Elections.” Electoral Studies 83. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2023.102600.
Dunn, Kris, and Judd R. Thornton. 2022. “Brexit, Beliefs about Immigration, and Satisfaction with Democracy.” Electoral Studies 80(November). doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2022.102556.
Eder, Christina, and Alexander Jedinger. 2019. “FAIR National Election Studies: How Well Are We Doing?” European Political Science 18(4): 651–68. doi:10.1057/s41304-018-0194-3.
Efthyvoulou, Georgios, Harry Pickard, and Vincenzo Bove. 2023. “Terrorist Violence and the Fuzzy Frontier: National vs Supranational Identities in Britain.” (18). /links/63d41999c465a873a262a6e9/Terrorist-violence-and-the-fuzzy-frontier-national-vs-supranationalidentities-in-Britain.pdf.
Eggers, Andrew C., and Arthur Spirling. 2017. “Incumbency Effects and the Strength of Party Preferences: Evidence from Multiparty Elections in the United Kingdom.” The Journal of Politics 79(3): 903–20. doi:10.1086/690617.
Eggers, Andrew C., and Nick Vivyan. 2020. “Who Votes More Strategically?” American Political Science Review 114(2): 470–85. doi:10.1017/S0003055419000820.
Eichengreen, Barry, Rebecca Maria Mari, and Gregory Thwaites. 2021. “Will Brexit Age Well? Cohorts, Seasoning and the Age–Leave Gradient: On the Evolution of UK Support for the European Union.” Economica 88: 1130–43. doi:10.1111/ecca.12388.
English, Patrick. 2019. “Visibly Restricted: Public Opinion and the Representation of Immigrant Origin Communities across Great Britain.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 42(9): 1437–55. doi:10.1080/01419870.2018.1485961.
Evans, Geoffrey. 2023. “Must Labour Lose? A Reconsideration.” In The Problem of Governing: Essays for Richard Rose, eds. Michael Keating, Ian McAllister, Edward C. Page, and B. Guy Peters. Cham: Springer, 59–74. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-40817-5_4.
Evans, Geoffrey, Roosmarijn de Geus, and Jane Green. 2023. “Boris Johnson to the Rescue? How the Conservatives Won the Radical-Right Vote in the 2019 General Election.” Political Studies 71(4):984–1005. doi:10.1177/00323217211051191.
Evans, Geoffrey, and Jonathan Mellon. 2015. “The Political Popularity Contest.” Significance 12(2): 8–10. doi:10.1111/j.1740-9713.2015.00809.x.
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