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The Benefits of Random Probability Sampling: The 2015 BES Face-to-Face


This post reveals the BES 2015 reported vote figures for the face-to-face survey and discusses them in the context of representativeness achieved via random probability sampling and efforts to interview hard-to-reach respondents. The face-to-face survey is an address-based random probability sample of eligible voters living in 600 wards…

PhD study with the British Election Study


Are you an undergraduate or Masters student interested in studying for a PhD in electoral politics? If so then you need to come along to an information session at The University of Manchester on October 28 to learn more about all the exciting topics you…

Release! Updated 2015 General Election Results File


Today we are releasing an updated version of our 2015 General Election results file (version 2.0). The file comprises the 2015 election results for each constituency (winning party, vote share, number of votes, turnout, majority and changes in vote share since 2010), the 2010 results (winning party,…