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BESt article award 2021


We are pleased to announce the launch of a British Election Study best article award for 2021 generously sponsored by YouGov and Ipsos MORI, data collection partners for the BES. Nominations are open to any articles appearing in peer review academic journals with the publication…

BES Advisory Panel Appointed


We are pleased to announce the appointment of a new BES advisory panel to assist us in achieving our core objective to design and conduct a study that is relevant to answering important contemporary questions about electoral politics, political attitudes, and voting behaviour in Britain….

Data Update, 7 July 2020


Today we have released an updated version of waves 1-19 of the British Election Study Internet Panel, 2014-2023. This is a routine update intended to fix minor errors and inconsistencies that we and our users have found since the initial release. The changes are as…

Three common errors in interpreting voters’ choices


By the BES FactCheck Team Cees van der Eijk (BES and Nottingham) ,Stuart Fox (Nottingham), Mike Addelman (BES and Manchester) Annemarie Walter (Nottingham), Jonathan Rose (Nottingham), Fanni Toth (Nottingham), Fiona Williams (Nottingham), Katia Kolpinskaya (Nottingham), Josh Townsley (Nottingham), Tom Loughran (Manchester) During election night, we…