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News - BES Findings

Announcing the BESt article award winners


The British Election Study are delighted to announce that A tale of two peoples: motivated reasoning in the aftermath of the Brexit Vote by Miriam Sorace and Sara Hobolt (published in Political Science Research & Methods) is the winner of the inaugural British Election Study…

New Report: Individual Electoral Registration and the British Election Study


In 2014 Individual Electoral Registration (IER) was introduced in England, Scotland and Wales. IER requires voters to register individually and provide individual identifying information, such as their date of birth and national insurance number. It replaced the previous system of ‘Household Electoral Registration’ (HER), whereby…

Age and voting behaviour at the 2019 General Election


Recent British elections have seen much discussion about the relationship between age and voting behaviour. British politics seems increasingly polarised along age lines, with younger voters being more likely to support the Labour party and older voters more likely to support the Conservatives. This pattern…