Data Playground Step 3 of 4 Select your variables What would you like to look at? Select variable group 1. voting | party support 2. party | leader | gov evaluation 3. political attitudes 4. issues and values 5. demographic 6. campaign information Select variable Brexit Party: Allow more or fewer immigrants (scale) Conservatives: Allow more or fewer immigrants (scale) Dimension of MII (nominal) European Integration scale (1990s version): Brexit Party (scale) European Integration scale (1990s version): Conservatives (scale) European Integration scale (1990s version): Greens (scale) European Integration scale (1990s version): Labour (scale) European Integration scale (1990s version): Liberal Democrats (scale) European Integration scale (1990s version): Plaid Cymru (scale) European Integration scale (1990s version): self (scale) European Integration scale (1990s version): SNP (scale) Green: Allow more or fewer immigrants (scale) Labour: Allow more or fewer immigrants (scale) Left/right position: Self (scale) Lib Dems: Allow more or fewer immigrants (scale) MII (LLM-coded/collapsed) (nominal) Most Important Issue: LLM Coded (nominal) Plaid Cymru: Allow more or fewer immigrants (scale) Self: Allow more or fewer immigrants (scale) SNP: Allow more or fewer immigrants (scale) What would you like to plot against? Select variable group 1. voting | party support 2. party | leader | gov evaluation 4. issues and values 5. demographic 6. campaign information Select variable 2005 GE turnout (nominal) 2005 GE vote choice (nominal) 2010 GE turnout (nominal) 2010 GE vote choice (nominal) 2019 GE turnout (nominal) 2019 GE vote choice (nominal) Eligible for UK general elections? (nominal) EU referendum turnout (earliest recorded) (nominal) EU referendum vote (earliest recorded) (nominal) General Election turnout 2015 (earliest recorded) (nominal) General Election turnout 2017 (earliest recorded) (nominal) General Election vote 2015 (earliest recorded) (nominal) General Election vote 2017 (earliest recorded) (nominal) General election vote intention (recalled vote in post-election waves) (nominal) Is your name on the electoral register? (nominal) Party ID if no party to first ID question (nominal) Party identification (nominal) Scottish Constituency Vote 2011 (nominal) Scottish Constituency Vote 2016 (nominal) Scottish referendum turnout (earliest recorded) (nominal) Scottish referendum vote (earliest recorded) (nominal) Scottish Regional Vote 2011 (nominal) Scottish Regional Vote 2016 (nominal) Strength of party identification (ordinal) Welsh Constituency Vote 2016 (nominal) Welsh Regional Vote 2016 (nominal)