Data Playground Step 3 of 4 Select your variables What would you like to look at? Select variable group 1. voting | party support 2. party | leader | gov evaluation 3. political attitudes 4. issues and values 5. demographic Select variable Authoritarian/libertarianism scale (scale) Left-right scale (scale) Left-right value: Big business takes advantage of ordinary poeple Waves 7-9 (ordinal) Left-right value: Government should redistribute incomes Waves 7-9 (ordinal) Left-right value: Management will always try to get the better of employees (ordinal) Left-right value: Ordinary working people do not get their fair share Waves 7-9 (ordinal) Left-right value: There is one law for the rich and one for the poor Waves 7-9 (ordinal) Lib-Auth value: Censoring necessary to uphold moral standards Waves 7-9 (ordinal) Lib-Auth value: For some crimes, death penalty most appropriate sentence Waves (ordinal) People who break the law should be given stiffer sentences (ordinal) Redistribution scale: Liberal Democrats (scale) Redistribution scale: Plaid Cymru (scale) Schools should teach children to obey authority (ordinal) Young people today don't have enough respect for traditional British values (ordinal) What would you like to plot against? (optional) Select variable group 1. voting | party support 3. political attitudes 4. issues and values 5. demographic Select variable Party identification (nominal)