Data Playground Step 3 of 4 Select your variables What would you like to look at? Select variable group 1. voting | party support 2. party | leader | gov evaluation 3. political attitudes 4. issues and values 5. demographic 6. campaign information Select variable 2005 GE turnout (nominal) 2005 GE vote choice (nominal) 2010 GE turnout (nominal) 2010 GE vote choice (nominal) 2019 GE turnout (nominal) 2019 GE vote choice (nominal) Did you go to the polling station to try vote in the local elections? (nominal) Do you have any regrets about how you voted in the general election? (nominal) Eligible for UK general elections? (nominal) EU referendum turnout (earliest recorded) (nominal) EU referendum vote (earliest recorded) (nominal) General Election turnout 2015 (earliest recorded) (nominal) General Election turnout 2017 (earliest recorded) (nominal) General Election vote 2015 (earliest recorded) (nominal) General Election vote 2017 (earliest recorded) (nominal) General election vote intention (recalled vote in post-election waves) (nominal) How did you vote? (nominal) I am interested in what other people think about this party. (ordinal) I have a lot in common with other supporters of this party. (ordinal) If regrets vote: How do you wish you had voted? (nominal) If there were another referendum on EU membership, how do you think you would v (nominal) If you could vote *against* a party? (nominal) Is your name on the electoral register? (nominal) Party ID if no party to first ID question (nominal) Party identification (nominal) Scotland Q only: Independence referendum vote intention (nominal) Scotland Q only: Vote intention for Scottish Parliament | constituency (nominal) Scottish Constituency Vote 2011 (nominal) Scottish Constituency Vote 2016 (nominal) Scottish referendum turnout (earliest recorded) (nominal) Scottish referendum vote (earliest recorded) (nominal) Scottish Regional Vote 2011 (nominal) Scottish Regional Vote 2016 (nominal) Strength of party identification (ordinal) Talking to people about the General Election in July 2024, we have found that a (nominal) Thinking back to the last UK General Election on May 7th 2015, a lot of people (nominal) Turned away: Another reason (nominal) Turned away: Couldn't find name on electoral register (nominal) Turned away: Didn't have valid voter identification (nominal) Turned away: My voter identification was not accepted (nominal) Turned away: None of these (nominal) Turned away: Polling station was not open (nominal) Welsh Constituency Vote 2016 (nominal) Welsh Parliament vote intention (new electoral system) (nominal) Welsh Regional Vote 2016 (nominal) Were you asked for voter identification before you voted? (nominal) What is the main reason you did not vote? (nominal) When I meet someone who supports this party, I feel connected with this person. (ordinal) When I speak about this party, I usually say we instead of they. (ordinal) When people criticize this party, it feels like a personal insult. (ordinal) When people praise this party, it makes me feel good. (ordinal) Which party did you really prefer? (nominal) Which party would you most have voted for if you had voted? (nominal) Why did you vote for the party that you did? (nominal) What would you like to plot against? (optional) Select variable group 1. voting | party support 2. party | leader | gov evaluation 3. political attitudes 4. issues and values 5. demographic 6. campaign information Select variable Age completed formal education (ordinal) Age group (ordinal) Are you a member of a trade union? (nominal) Are you a parent or guardian? (nominal) Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability (ordinal) Care for a disabled adult (nominal) Care for a sick adult (nominal) Care for an elderly adult (nominal) CODED score for agreeableness derived from mini IPIP (ordinal) CODED score for conscientiousness derived from mini IPIP (ordinal) CODED score for extraversion derived from mini IPIP (ordinal) CODED score for neuroticism derived from mini IPIP (ordinal) CODED score for openness derived from mini IPIP (ordinal) Country (nominal) Country of Birth (nominal) Did you work on your own or did you have employees? (ordinal) Did your parent have employees? (nominal) Did your parent supervise the work of any other people? (nominal) Disability (Census Question) (nominal) Disability Impact (Census Question) (ordinal) Do any of your children have physical/mental conditions/illnesses? (nominal) Do you own or rent the home in which you live? (nominal) Do you work on your own or do you have employees? (ordinal) Education level (ordinal) Education level (with add. info) (ordinal) Gender (nominal) Gross household income (ordinal) Gross personal income (ordinal) Have you *ever* been a member of a trade union? (nominal) Have you ever attended a University or other higher education institution? (ordinal) Have you worked in a paid job in the past? (nominal) How many employees did your parent have? (ordinal) How many of the people in your household are under 18? (ordinal) How many people worked for your parent's employer? (ordinal) How well do you think that the job you chose in the previous question describes (nominal) Job chose in previous Q describes what you do? (ordinal) No dependents in household? (nominal) NS-SEC social class analytic categories (nominal) Number of people in household (ordinal) Parent's education level (ordinal) Parent's highest level of education (nominal) Parent's ns-sec analytic categories (ordinal) Parent's ns-sec sub-categories (ordinal) Pre-school aged children in household? (nominal) Region (nominal) Respondent belonging to any religion? (nominal) Respondent's self-selected ethnicity (nominal) Respondent's work status (nominal) School aged children in household? (nominal) Sick or elderly in household? (nominal) Social Grade (ordinal) Speaks Welsh? (ordinal) Subjective social class (nominal) Subjective social class (squeeze) (nominal) Time follows politics in newspapers (including online) (ordinal) Time follows politics on the internet (not including newspapers) (ordinal) Time follows politics on the radio (ordinal) Time follows politics on TV (ordinal) Time follows politics talking to other people (ordinal) Type of Organisation Current/Most Recent Job? (nominal) Was your parent an employee or self-employed? (nominal) What is the highest educational or work-related qualification you have? (ordinal) What is your current marital or relationship status? (nominal) What kind of organisation do you work for? (nominal) Which daily newspaper do you read most often? (nominal) Which of the following best describes your sexuality? (nominal) Working status (nominal) Toggle Checkbox Alternatively you could plot against the date the respondent was interviewed (only recommended for campaign waves)