Wave 5 of the 2014-2023 British Election Study Internet Panel (Daily Campaign Survey)
The 2015 campaign wave daily file of the 2014-2023 British Election Study Internet Panel. This version is used to support the data playground. We recommend users use the other version of Wave 5 available here.
Fieldhouse, E., J. Green., G. Evans., H. Schmitt, C. van der Eijk, J. Mellon and C. Prosser (2015) British Election Study Internet Panel Wave 5. DOI: 10.5255/UKDA-SN-8202-2You need to log in to download BES files. Sign in or register for a free account
- Age completed formal education
- Age group
- And have you already voted (by post)?
- Applied for postal vote
- Are you an employee or self-employed/an independent contractor?
- Best party on most important issue
- Cares for pre-school age children
- Cares for school age children
- Cares for sick, disabled or elderly adults
- Certainty of vote intention in general election
- Certainty of vote intention in general election (squeezed)
- Certainty of vote intention in general election (unsqueezed)
- Conservatives contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Constituency vote intention
- Country
- Country of birth
- Daily newspaper readership
- Days respondent discusses politics
- Decided on General Election vote
- Do you own or rent the home in which you live?
- Do you use Facebook?
- Do you use Twitter?
- Equal opportunities for ethnic minorities gone too far | not far enough
- Equal opportunities for women gone too far |not far enough
- Equal opportunities to gays and lesbians gone too far | not far enough
- Ethnicity
- Facebook political info: Candidates or parties
- Facebook political info: Someone you know personally
- Facebook political info: Someone you know personally
- Gender
- General election postal vote retro
- General Election vote 2005
- General Election vote 2010
- General election vote intention (excluding postal votes)
- General election vote intention (recalled vote in post-election waves)
- General election vote intention (squeezed)
- General election vote intention (unsqueezed)
- Generally speaking, how willing are you to take risks?
- Given any money to a political party, organization or cause
- Good/bad job in govt: Conservatives
- Good/bad job in govt: Greens
- Good/bad job in govt: Labour
- Good/bad job in govt: Lib Dems
- Good/bad job in govt: Plaid Cymru
- Good/bad job in govt: SNP
- Good/bad job in govt: UKIP
- Green Party contacted by email
- Green Party contacted by letter/leaflet
- Green Party contacted by SMS
- Green Party contacted by telephone
- Green Party contacted in other ways
- Green Party contacted in street
- Green Party Contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Green Party visited home
- Handle most important issue: Conservatives
- Handle most important issue: Green Party
- Handle most important issue: Labour
- Handle most important issue: Liberal Democrat
- Handle most important issue: UKIP
- Have any of the political parties contacted you during the previous 7 days?
- Have you worked in a paid job in the past?
- Highest Qualification
- Household size
- Household size - number of children
- Income - gross household
- Income - gross personal
- Interest in General Election
- Interview Start Time
- Join coalition with Conservatives: United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP)
- Join coalition with Labour: United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP)
- Knows Angela Merkel's job
- Knows Bashar al-Assad's job
- Knows Ed Miliband's job
- Knows George Obsborne's job
- Knows John Bercow's job
- Knows Nick Clegg's job
- Knows Theresa May's job
- Knows Vladmir Putin's job
- Labour contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Left-right value: Big business takes advantage of ordinary poeple Waves 7-9
- Left-right value: Government should redistribute incomes Waves 7-9
- Left-right value: Management will always try to get the better of employees
- Left-right value: Ordinary working people do not get their fair share Waves 7-9
- Left-right value: There is one law for the rich and one for the poor Waves 7-9
- Left/right position: Conservative
- Left/right position: Greens
- Left/right position: Labour
- Left/right position: Lib Dems
- Left/right position: Plaid Cymru
- Left/right position: Self
- Left/right position: SNP
- Left/right position: UKIP
- Lib Dems contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Lib-Auth value: Censoring necessary to uphold moral standards Waves 7-9
- Lib-Auth value: For some crimes, death penalty most appropriate sentence Waves
- Like/dislike: Bennett
- Like/dislike: British National Party (BNP)
- Like/dislike: Clegg
- Like/dislike: Conservatives
- Like/dislike: David Cameron
- Like/dislike: Green Party
- Like/dislike: Labour
- Like/dislike: Liberal Democrats
- Like/dislike: Miliband
- Like/dislike: Nigel Farage
- Like/dislike: Plaid Cymru
- Like/dislike: Scottish National Party
- Like/dislike: Scottish National Party (outside Scotland)
- Like/dislike: Sturgeon
- Like/dislike: United Kingdom Independence Party
- Like/dislike: Wood
- Likelihood to vote in general election
- Likelihood Win Local Constituency in GE: Conservatives
- Likelihood Win Local Constituency in GE: Green Party
- Likelihood Win Local Constituency in GE: Labour
- Likelihood Win Local Constituency in GE: Lib Dems
- Likelihood Win Local Constituency in GE: Plaid Cymru
- Likelihood Win Local Constituency in GE: SNP
- Likelihood Win Local Constituency in GE: UKIP
- Likely to win majority: Conservatives
- Likely to win majority: Labour
- Listened to or watched a party election broadcast
- Most important issue category (auto-coded)
- Never went to private school
- No caring responsibilities
- No chance at coalition: All parties have a chance
- No chance at coalition: Conservatives
- No chance at coalition: Green Party
- No chance at coalition: Labour
- No chance at coalition: Liberal Democrats
- No chance at coalition: Plaid Cymru
- No chance at coalition: Scottish National Party (SNP)
- No chance at coalition: United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP)
- None of these parties contacted you in last 4 weeks
- NS-SEC social class analytic categories
- Other party contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Other than on Twitter and Facebook, have you visited the website of a candidate
- Party ID if no party to first ID question
- Party identification
- People who break the law should be given stiffer sentences
- Perceived difference between Conservative and Labour parties
- Plaid Cymru contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Preferred election outcome: Conservative led coalition
- Preferred election outcome: Conservative majority
- Preferred election outcome: Labour led coalition
- Preferred election outcome: Labour majority
- Preferred election outcome: Some other government
- Probability of voting for BNP
- Probability of voting for Conservatives
- Probability of voting for Green party
- Probability of voting for Labour
- Probability of voting for Liberal Democrats
- Probability of voting for Plaid Cymru
- Probability of voting for Scottish National Party
- Probability of voting for UKIP
- Read a campaign leaflet/letter, text message or email from a political party
- Region
- Religious affiliation
- Religious denomination
- Schools should teach children to obey authority
- Shared political content on another website/online platform
- Shared political content on Facebook
- Shared political content on Twitter
- Shared political content through email
- Shared political content through instant messaging
- Signed up online to help a party or candidate
- SNP contacted by email
- SNP contacted by letter/leaflet
- SNP contacted by social media
- SNP contacted by telephone
- SNP contacted in other ways
- SNP contacted in street
- SNP contacted you in last 4 weeks
- SNP visited home
- Speaks Welsh?
- Strength of party identification
- Thinking overall about how the party leaders performed during the election campa
- Time follows politics in newspapers (including online)
- Time follows politics on the internet (not including newspapers)
- Time follows politics on the radio
- Time follows politics on TV
- Time follows politics talking to other people
- Tone: Conservatives
- Tone: Greens
- Tone: Labour
- Tone: Liberal Democrats
- Tone: Plaid Cymru
- Tone: SNP
- Tone: UKIP
- Tried to persuade somebody which party they should vote for
- Tried to persuade somebody which party they should vote for
- Tried to persuade somebody which party they should vote for
- Twitter political info: Candidates or parties
- Twitter political info: Other people (e.g. commentators, journalists etc)
- Twitter political info: Someone you know personally
- UKIP contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Visited another party or candidate website
- Visited Conservative party or candidate website
- Visited Green party or candidate website
- Visited Labour party or candidate website
- Visited Liberal Democrat party or candidate website
- Visited Plaid Cymru party or candidate website
- Visited SNP party or candidate website
- Visited UKIP party or candidate website
- Watched first debate
- Watched second debate
- Watched third debate
- Weight variable for the GB sample as a whole (Everyone who took wave 2)
- Went to private primary/middle school
- Went to private secondary school
- Were you an employee or self-employed/an independent contractor?
- What is your marital status?
- What subject did you most recently study at University?
- What subject do you currently study at University?
- Which party signed up online to help
- Willing to Join Coalition with Conservatives: Greens
- Willing to Join Coalition with Conservatives: Lib Dems
- Willing to Join Coalition with Conservatives: Plaid
- Willing to Join Coalition with Conservatives: SNP
- Willing to Join Coalition with Labour: Greens
- Willing to Join Coalition with Labour: Lib Dems
- Willing to Join Coalition with Labour: Plaid
- Willing to Join Coalition with Labour: SNP
- Work type
- Working status
- Worst leader in the campaign
- Young people today don't have enough respect for traditional British values