Wave 29 of the 2014-2024 British Election Study Internet Panel
Fieldhouse, E., J. Green, G. Evans, J. Mellon, C. Prosser, J. Bailey, R. de Geus, H. Schmitt, C. van der Eijk, J. Griffiths, & S. Perrett. (2024) British Election Study Internet Panel Waves 1-29. DOI: 10.5255/UKDA-SN-8202-2
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- 2005 GE turnout
- 2005 GE vote choice
- 2010 GE turnout
- 2010 GE vote choice
- 2019 GE turnout
- 2019 GE vote choice
- Achieve Increase Economic Growth: Conservatives
- Achieve Increase Economic Growth: Green Party
- Achieve Increase Economic Growth: Labour
- Achieve Increase Economic Growth: Liberal Democrats
- Achieve Increase Economic Growth: None of these
- Achieve Increase Economic Growth: Plaid Cymru
- Achieve Increase Economic Growth: Reform UK
- Achieve Increase Economic Growth: Scottish National Party (SNP)
- Achieve Reduce Carbon Emissions: Conservatives
- Achieve Reduce Carbon Emissions: Green Party
- Achieve Reduce Carbon Emissions: Labour
- Achieve Reduce Carbon Emissions: Liberal Democrats
- Achieve Reduce Carbon Emissions: None of these
- Achieve Reduce Carbon Emissions: Plaid Cymru
- Achieve Reduce Carbon Emissions: Reform UK
- Achieve Reduce Carbon Emissions: Scottish National Party (SNP)
- Achieve Reduce Inflation: Conservatives
- Achieve Reduce Inflation: Green Party
- Achieve Reduce Inflation: Labour
- Achieve Reduce Inflation: Liberal Democrats
- Achieve Reduce Inflation: None of these
- Achieve Reduce Inflation: Plaid Cymru
- Achieve Reduce Inflation: Reform UK
- Achieve Reduce Inflation: Scottish National Party (SNP)
- Achieve Reduce NHS Waiting Lists: Conservatives
- Achieve Reduce NHS Waiting Lists: Green Party
- Achieve Reduce NHS Waiting Lists: Labour
- Achieve Reduce NHS Waiting Lists: Liberal Democrats
- Achieve Reduce NHS Waiting Lists: None of these
- Achieve Reduce NHS Waiting Lists: Plaid Cymru
- Achieve Reduce NHS Waiting Lists: Reform UK
- Achieve Reduce NHS Waiting Lists: Scottish National Party (SNP)
- Achieve Reduce Poverty: Conservatives
- Achieve Reduce Poverty: Green Party
- Achieve Reduce Poverty: Labour
- Achieve Reduce Poverty: Liberal Democrats
- Achieve Reduce Poverty: None of these
- Achieve Reduce Poverty: Plaid Cymru
- Achieve Reduce Poverty: Reform UK
- Achieve Reduce Poverty: Scottish National Party (SNP)
- Achieve reduced immigration: Brexit Party
- Age
- Age completed formal education
- Age group
- An independent candidate
- Anything recently changed your view of main political parties?
- Are you a member of a trade union?
- Are you a parent or guardian?
- Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability
- Attention to Politics
- Authoritarian/libertarianism scale
- Best party on most important issue
- Brexit Party contacted by email
- Brexit Party contacted by letter/leaflet
- Brexit Party contacted by social media
- Brexit Party contacted by telephone
- Brexit Party contacted in other ways
- Brexit Party contacted in street
- Brexit Party contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Brexit Party look after Black and Asian people
- Brexit Party look after Middle Class
- Brexit Party look after Working Class
- Brexit Party visited home
- Brexit Party: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- British identity scale
- Care for a disabled adult
- Care for a sick adult
- Care for an elderly adult
- CODED score for agreeableness derived from mini IPIP
- CODED score for conscientiousness derived from mini IPIP
- CODED score for extraversion derived from mini IPIP
- CODED score for neuroticism derived from mini IPIP
- CODED score for openness derived from mini IPIP
- Conservative contact in street: Frequency
- Conservative contact Other ways: Frequency
- Conservative contact social media: Frequency
- Conservative contact via email: Frequency
- Conservative contact via home visit: Frequency
- Conservative contact via letter/leaflet: Frequency
- Conservative contact via telephone call: Frequency
- Conservative politicians mostly competent?
- Conservative politicians mostly trustworthy?
- Conservatives contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Conservatives look after black/asian
- Conservatives look after middle class
- Conservatives look after retired people
- Conservatives look after working class
- Conservatives look after young people
- Conservatives out/full of ideas?
- Conservatives: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Contacted by any political parties/campaigns in last 4 weeks?
- Country
- Country of Birth
- Did you go to the polling station to try vote in the local elections?
- Did you work on your own or did you have employees?
- Did your parent have employees?
- Did your parent supervise the work of any other people?
- Dimension of MII
- Disability (Census Question)
- Disability Impact (Census Question)
- Do any of your children have physical/mental conditions/illnesses?
- Do you have any regrets about how you voted in the general election?
- Do you own or rent the home in which you live?
- Do you work on your own or do you have employees?
- Education level
- Education level (with add. info)
- Eligible for UK general elections?
- English identity scale
- EU referendum turnout (earliest recorded)
- EU referendum vote (earliest recorded)
- European identity scale
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Brexit Party
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Conservatives
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Greens
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Labour
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Liberal Democrats
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Plaid Cymru
- European Integration scale (1990s version): self
- European Integration scale (1990s version): SNP
- Financial situation of your household
- Gender
- General economic retrospective evaluation: country
- General economic situation in this country
- General Election turnout 2015 (earliest recorded)
- General Election turnout 2017 (earliest recorded)
- General Election vote 2015 (earliest recorded)
- General Election vote 2017 (earliest recorded)
- General election vote intention (recalled vote in post-election waves)
- Given any money to a political party, organization or cause
- Green contact in street: Frequency
- Green contact Other ways: Frequency
- Green contact social media: Frequency
- Green contact via email: Frequency
- Green contact via home visit: Frequency
- Green contact via letter/leaflet: Frequency
- Green contact via telephone call: Frequency
- Green Party contacted by email
- Green Party contacted by letter/leaflet
- Green Party contacted by SMS
- Green Party contacted by telephone
- Green Party contacted in other ways
- Green Party contacted in street
- Green Party Contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Green Party visited home
- Green politicians mostly competent?
- Green politicians mostly trustworthy?
- Green: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Greens look after black/asian
- Greens look after middle class
- Greens look after retired people
- Greens look after working class
- Greens look after young people
- Greens out/full of ideas?
- Gross household income
- Gross personal income
- Have you *ever* been a member of a trade union?
- Have you ever attended a University or other higher education institution?
- Have you worked in a paid job in the past?
- How did you vote?
- How many employees did your parent have?
- How many of the people in your household are under 18?
- How many people worked for your parent's employer?
- How well do you think that the job you chose in the previous question describes
- I am interested in what other people think about this party.
- I have a lot in common with other supporters of this party.
- If regrets vote: How do you wish you had voted?
- If there were another referendum on EU membership, how do you think you would v
- If you could vote *against* a party?
- In favour of a second EU referendum?
- Independent contact in street: Frequency
- Independent contact Other ways: Frequency
- Independent contact social media: Frequency
- Independent contact via email: Frequency
- Independent contact via home visit: Frequency
- Independent contact via letter/leaflet: Frequency
- Independent contact via telephone call: Frequency
- Independent contacted by email
- Independent contacted by leaflet/letter
- Independent contacted by Social Media
- Independent contacted by telephone
- Independent contacted by visit to home
- Independent contacted in other way
- Independent contacted in street
- Interview Start Time
- Is your name on the electoral register?
- Job chose in previous Q describes what you do?
- Labour contact in street: Frequency
- Labour contact Other ways: Frequency
- Labour contact social media: Frequency
- Labour contact via email: Frequency
- Labour contact via home visit: Frequency
- Labour contact via letter/leaflet: Frequency
- Labour contact via telephone call: Frequency
- Labour contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Labour look after black/asian
- Labour look after middle class
- Labour look after retired people
- Labour look after working class
- Labour look after young people
- Labour out/full of ideas?
- Labour politicians mostly competent?
- Labour politicians mostly trustworthy?
- Labour: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Left-right scale
- Left-right value: Big business takes advantage of ordinary poeple Waves 7-9
- Left-right value: Government should redistribute incomes Waves 7-9
- Left-right value: Management will always try to get the better of employees
- Left-right value: Ordinary working people do not get their fair share Waves 7-9
- Left-right value: There is one law for the rich and one for the poor Waves 7-9
- Left/right position: Self
- Lib Dems contact in street: Frequency
- Lib Dems contact Other ways: Frequency
- Lib Dems contact social media: Frequency
- Lib Dems contact via email: Frequency
- Lib Dems contact via home visit: Frequency
- Lib Dems contact via letter/leaflet: Frequency
- Lib Dems contact via telephone call: Frequency
- Lib Dems contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Lib Dems look after black/asian
- Lib Dems look after middle class
- Lib Dems look after retired people
- Lib Dems look after working class
- Lib Dems look after young people
- Lib Dems: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Lib-Auth value: Censoring necessary to uphold moral standards Waves 7-9
- Lib-Auth value: For some crimes, death penalty most appropriate sentence Waves
- Liberal Democrat politicians mostly competent?
- Liberal Democrat politicians mostly trustworthy?
- Liberal Democrats out/full of ideas?
- Like/dislike Brexit Party
- Like/dislike Ed Davey
- Like/dislike Keir Starmer
- Like/dislike: Adrian Ramsay
- Like/dislike: Carla Denyer
- Like/dislike: Conservatives
- Like/dislike: Green Party
- Like/dislike: John Swinney
- Like/dislike: Labour
- Like/dislike: Liberal Democrats
- Like/dislike: Lorna Slater
- Like/dislike: Nigel Farage
- Like/dislike: Patrick Harvie
- Like/dislike: Plaid Cymru
- Like/dislike: Rhun ap Iorwerth
- Like/dislike: Rishi Sunak
- Like/dislike: Scottish National Party
- Listened to or watched a party election broadcast
- MII (LLM-coded/collapsed)
- Most Important Issue: LLM Coded
- No dependents in household?
- None of these parties contacted you in last 4 weeks
- NS-SEC social class analytic categories
- Number of people in household
- Other contact in street: Frequency
- Other contact Other ways: Frequency
- Other contact social media: Frequency
- Other contact via email: Frequency
- Other contact via home visit: Frequency
- Other contact via letter/leaflet: Frequency
- Other contact via telephone call: Frequency
- Other party contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Parent's education level
- Parent's highest level of education
- Parent's ns-sec analytic categories
- Parent's ns-sec sub-categories
- Party ID if no party to first ID question
- Party identification
- People who break the law should be given stiffer sentences
- Personal economic retrospective evaluation: household
- Plaid Cymru contact in street: Frequency
- Plaid Cymru contact Other ways: Frequency
- Plaid Cymru contact social media: Frequency
- Plaid Cymru contact via email: Frequency
- Plaid Cymru contact via home visit: Frequency
- Plaid Cymru contact via letter/leaflet: Frequency
- Plaid Cymru contact via telephone call: Frequency
- Plaid Cymru contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Plaid Cymru look after black/asian
- Plaid Cymru look after middle class
- Plaid Cymru look after Retired people
- Plaid Cymru look after working class
- Plaid Cymru look after Young people
- Plaid Cymru out/full of ideas?
- Plaid Cymru politicians mostly competent?
- Plaid Cymru politicians mostly trustworthy?
- Plaid Cymru: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Pre-school aged children in household?
- Read a campaign leaflet/letter, text message or email from a political party
- Redistribution scale: Brexit Party
- Redistribution scale: Conservatives
- Redistribution scale: Greens
- Redistribution scale: Labour
- Redistribution scale: Liberal Democrats
- Redistribution scale: Plaid Cymru
- Redistribution scale: Self
- Redistribution scale: SNP
- Reform UK contact in street: Frequency
- Reform UK contact Other ways: Frequency
- Reform UK contact social media: Frequency
- Reform UK contact via email: Frequency
- Reform UK contact via home visit: Frequency
- Reform UK contact via letter/leaflet: Frequency
- Reform UK contact via telephone call: Frequency
- Reform UK look after Retired people
- Reform UK look after Young people
- Reform UK out/full of ideas?
- Reform UK politicians mostly competent?
- Reform UK politicians mostly trustworthy?
- Region
- Respondent belonging to any religion?
- Respondent's self-selected ethnicity
- Respondent's work status
- Satisfaction with English democracy
- Satisfaction with Scottish democracy
- Satisfaction with UK democracy
- Satisfaction with Welsh democracy
- School aged children in household?
- Schools should teach children to obey authority
- Scotland Q only: Independence referendum vote intention
- Scotland Q only: Scottish identity scale
- Scotland Q only: Vote intention for Scottish Parliament | constituency
- Scotland Q: As majority of UK voted to Leave, Scotland should accept that
- Scotland Q: People in Scotland have right to decide who governs
- Scottish Constituency Vote 2011
- Scottish Constituency Vote 2016
- Scottish referendum turnout (earliest recorded)
- Scottish referendum vote (earliest recorded)
- Scottish regional vote
- Scottish Regional Vote 2011
- Scottish Regional Vote 2016
- Self: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Should there be another Scottish independence referendum within 10 years
- Sick or elderly in household?
- SNP contact in street: Frequency
- SNP contact Other ways: Frequency
- SNP contact social media: Frequency
- SNP contact via email: Frequency
- SNP contact via home visit: Frequency
- SNP contact via letter/leaflet: Frequency
- SNP contact via telephone call: Frequency
- SNP contacted by email
- SNP contacted by letter/leaflet
- SNP contacted by social media
- SNP contacted by telephone
- SNP contacted in other ways
- SNP contacted in street
- SNP contacted you in last 4 weeks
- SNP look after black/asian
- SNP look after middle class
- SNP look after working class
- SNP out/full of ideas?
- SNP politicians mostly competent?
- SNP politicians mostly trustworthy?
- SNP visited home
- SNP: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Social Grade
- Speaks Welsh?
- Strength of party identification
- Subjective social class
- Subjective social class (squeeze)
- Support or oppose requiring photo ID for voting?
- Talking to people about the General Election in July 2024, we have found that a
- The SNP look after retired people
- The SNP look after young people
- Thinking about the outcomes of general elections, which of these statements is m
- Thinking back to the last UK General Election on May 7th 2015, a lot of people
- Time follows politics in newspapers (including online)
- Time follows politics on the internet (not including newspapers)
- Time follows politics on the radio
- Time follows politics on TV
- Time follows politics talking to other people
- Tried to persuade somebody which party they should vote for
- Tried to persuade somebody which party they should vote for
- Trust MPs in general
- Turned away: Another reason
- Turned away: Couldn't find name on electoral register
- Turned away: Didn't have valid voter identification
- Turned away: My voter identification was not accepted
- Turned away: None of these
- Turned away: Polling station was not open
- Type of Organisation Current/Most Recent Job?
- Wales Q only: Welsh identity scale
- Was your parent an employee or self-employed?
- Weight variable for the GB sample as a whole (Everyone who took wave 2)
- Welsh Constituency Vote 2016
- Welsh Parliament vote intention (new electoral system)
- Welsh Regional Vote 2016
- Were you asked for voter identification before you voted?
- What is the highest educational or work-related qualification you have?
- What is the main reason you did not vote?
- What is your current marital or relationship status?
- What kind of organisation do you work for?
- When I meet someone who supports this party, I feel connected with this person.
- When I speak about this party, I usually say "we" instead of "they".
- When people criticize this party, it feels like a personal insult.
- When people praise this party, it makes me feel good.
- Which daily newspaper do you read most often?
- Which of the following best describes your sexuality?
- Which party did you really prefer?
- Which party would you most have voted for if you had voted?
- Why did you vote for the party that you did?
- Working status
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Conservative
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Green Party
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Labour
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Liberal Democrat
- Would successfully reduce immigration: None of these
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Plaid Cymru
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Scottish National Party (SNP)
- Young people today don't have enough respect for traditional British values