Wave 20 of the 2014-2023 British Election Study Internet Panel
Fieldhouse, E., J. Green, G. Evans, J. Mellon & C. Prosser, R. de Geus, J. Bailey (2020) British Election Study Internet Panel Waves 1-20. DOI: 10.5255/UKDA-SN-8202-2
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- 2005 GE turnout
- 2005 GE vote choice
- 2010 GE turnout
- 2010 GE vote choice
- 2019 GE turnout
- 2019 GE vote choice
- Access to: can speak another language fluently
- Access to: discuss politics with you
- Access to: do your shopping if you are ill
- Access to: Give you a good reference for a job
- Access to: Give you sound advice on legal or money matters
- Access to: give you sound advice on your work
- Access to: has a profession such as a lawyer, teacher or accountant
- Access to: has good contacts with local newspaper, radio or TV
- Access to: help with small jobs around the house
- Access to: help you to find somewhere to live if you had to move home
- Access to: in a position to hire other people
- Access to: knows a lot about health and fitness
- Access to: knows about govt regulations
- Access to: knows how to fix computers
- Access to: lend you money (month's rent)
- Access to: local councillor
- Access to: None of these
- Access to: None of these
- Access to: None of these
- Access to: reliable tradesman
- Access to: works for your local council
- Achieve reduced immigration: Brexit Party
- After being with a friend who is sad about something, I usually feel sad
- Age
- Age completed formal education
- Age group
- Allowing Britain to control immigration from the EU
- Are you a parent or guardian?
- Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability
- Attention to Politics
- Authoritarian/libertarianism scale
- Best party on most important issue
- Best way to run country: strong leader, ignore parliament/elections
- Brexit
- Brexit
- Brexit
- Brexit
- Brexit
- Brexit Party: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Brexit priority: access to single market versus controlling immigration
- British businesses
- British identity scale
- Caring more for dependents since CV outbreak?
- Conservatives look after black/asian
- Conservatives look after middle class
- Conservatives look after people in your local area
- Conservatives look after unemployed
- Conservatives look after working class
- Conservatives united or divided
- Conservatives: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Coronavirus Self Employment Income Support Scheme
- Country
- Country of Birth
- Crime
- Crime
- Deal priority: Allowing Britain to make trade deals with other countries
- Deal priority: Keeping access to EU markets for British firms
- Deal priority: Keeping open border between NI and Ireland
- Deal priority: Keeping open border between NI and UK
- Deal priority: Not having to follow EU rules/regulations
- Dealing with people: generally trust or generally careful
- Did you work on your own or did you have employees?
- Did your parent have employees?
- Did your parent supervise the work of any other people?
- Dimension of MII
- Do you own or rent the home in which you live?
- Do you work on your own or do you have employees?
- Economic growth/Protecting the environment scale
- Economic optimism indicator: good time to buy big household items
- Economy doing better or worse
- Education level
- Education level (with add. info)
- English identity scale
- EU ID: Criticism of my side feels like a personal insult
- EU ID: Feel connected when meeting supporters of same side
- EU ID: interested in what other people think
- EU ID: Lot in common with supporters of my side
- EU ID: Praise of my side makes me feel good
- EU ID: say we instead of they
- EU referendum identity
- EU referendum turnout (earliest recorded)
- EU referendum vote (earliest recorded)
- European identity scale
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Brexit Party
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Conservatives
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Greens
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Labour
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Liberal Democrats
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Plaid Cymru
- European Integration scale (1990s version): self
- European Integration scale (1990s version): SNP
- Financial situation of your household
- Gender
- General economic retrospective evaluation: country
- General economic situation in this country
- General Election turnout 2015 (earliest recorded)
- General Election turnout 2017 (earliest recorded)
- General Election vote 2015 (earliest recorded)
- General Election vote 2017 (earliest recorded)
- General election vote intention (recalled vote in post-election waves)
- Globalisation Access to Film, TV, Music, Sport: Good/Bad?
- Globalisation Fast & Cheap Communication: Good/Bad?
- Globalisation General: Good/Bad?
- Globalisation Global Tourism: Good/Bad?
- Globalisation Influence of International Orgs (e.g. UN): Good/Bad?
- Globalisation International Air Travel: Good/Bad?
- Globalisation International Banking: Good/Bad?
- Globalisation International Migration: Good/Bad?
- Globalisation International Trade: Good/Bad?
- Globalisation Multinational brands: Good/Bad?
- Gone too far: cuts to local services in my area
- Gone too far: cuts to NHS spending
- Gone too far: cuts to public spending
- Govt support/leave large companies to deal with coronavirus crisis scale
- Govts responsibility to provide a job for everyone who wants one
- Green: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Gross household income
- Gross personal income
- Has someone you personally know died as a result of coronavirus?
- Has your household monthly income changed since the coronavirus outbreak?
- Have they started working from home as a result of the coronavirus outbreak?
- Have you ever attended a University or other higher education institution?
- Have you started working from home as a result of the coronavirus outbreak?
- Have you worked in a paid job in the past?
- High risk medical condition: Close family member(s)
- High risk medical condition: None of these
- High risk medical condition: Someone else you are close to
- High risk medical condition: You
- Household member received full pay while stopped working?
- Household member received no pay while stopped working?
- Household member received some pay while stopped working?
- How badly was someone else you are close to affected by coronavirus?
- How badly were you affected by coronavirus?
- How badly were your family members affected by coronavirus?
- How many employees did your parent have?
- How many of the people in your household are under 18?
- How many people worked for your parent's employer?
- How well do you think that the job you chose in the previous question describes
- How well has the Scot Govt handled lockdown
- How well has the Scot Govt handled testing
- How well has the Scot Govt handled the provision of PPE for health workers
- How well has the UK Govt handled testing
- How well has the UK Govt handled the coronavirus outbreak?
- How well has the UK Govt handled the lockdown?
- How well has the UK Govt handled the provision of PPE for health workers
- How well has the Welsh Govt handled lockdown
- How well has the Welsh Govt handled testing
- How well has the Welsh Govt handled the provision of PPE for health workers
- How well would a Labour Govt have handled the coronavirus outbreak?
- I am not usually aware of my friends' feelings
- I can usually figure out when my friends are scared
- I can usually figure out when people are cheerful
- I can usually realize quickly when a friend is angry
- I don't become sad when I see other people crying
- If there were another referendum on EU membership, how do you think you would v
- Immigrants are a burden on the welfare state
- Immigration
- Immigration
- Immigration bad or good for economy
- Immigration enriches or undermines cultural life
- Immigration types: Allow fewer/more asylum seekers into Britain
- Immigration types: Allow fewer/more families of residents into Britain
- Immigration types: Allow fewer/more foreign students into Britain
- Immigration types: Allow fewer/more workers from EU into Britain
- Immigration types: Allow fewer/more workers from non-EU into Britain
- Interview Start Time
- Job chose in previous Q describes what you do?
- Labour look after black/asian
- Labour look after middle class
- Labour look after people in your local area
- Labour look after unemployed
- Labour look after working class
- Labour united or divided
- Labour: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Left-right scale
- Left-right value: Big business takes advantage of ordinary poeple Waves 7-9
- Left-right value: Government should redistribute incomes Waves 7-9
- Left-right value: Management will always try to get the better of employees
- Left-right value: Ordinary working people do not get their fair share Waves 7-9
- Left-right value: There is one law for the rich and one for the poor Waves 7-9
- Left/right position: Brexit Party
- Left/right position: Conservative
- Left/right position: Greens
- Left/right position: Labour
- Left/right position: Lib Dems
- Left/right position: Plaid Cymru
- Left/right position: Self
- Left/right position: SNP
- Lib Dems: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Lib-Auth value: Censoring necessary to uphold moral standards Waves 7-9
- Lib-Auth value: For some crimes, death penalty most appropriate sentence Waves
- Life anxious scale
- Life happy scale
- Life satisfaction scale
- Life worthwhile scale
- Like/dislike Brexit Party
- Like/dislike Ed Davey
- Like/dislike Jonathan Bartley
- Like/dislike Keir Starmer
- Like/dislike Siân Berry
- Like/dislike: Adam Price
- Like/dislike: Boris Johnson
- Like/dislike: Conservatives
- Like/dislike: Green Party
- Like/dislike: John Swinney
- Like/dislike: Labour
- Like/dislike: Liberal Democrats
- Like/dislike: Nigel Farage
- Like/dislike: Plaid Cymru
- Like/dislike: Rhun ap Iorwerth
- Like/dislike: Scottish National Party
- Like/dislike: Sturgeon
- Likelihood to vote in general election
- Lockdown approval
- Major public services and industries ought to be in state ownership 1992
- MII (manually-coded/collapsed)
- MII manual coding
- My friends' emotions don't affect me much
- My friends' unhappiness doesn't make me feel anything
- Neither of these
- NHS doing better or worse
- No dependents in household?
- No, none of these
- No, none of these
- None of these
- None of these
- None of these
- None of these
- None of these
- NS-SEC social class analytic categories
- Number of people in household
- Opinion on necessity of deficit reduction in next 3 years
- Other
- Other people's feelings don't bother me at all
- Parent's education level
- Parent's highest level of education
- Parent's ns-sec analytic categories
- Parent's ns-sec sub-categories
- Partner's education level
- Party ID if no party to first ID question
- Party identification
- People who break the law should be given stiffer sentences
- Personal economic retrospective evaluation: household
- Plaid Cymru: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Populism: compromise in politics really selling out principles
- Populism: elected officials talk too much and take too little action
- Populism: people, not politicians, should make most important policy decisions
- Populism: politicians in UK Parliament should follow will of the people
- Populism: rather be represented by citizen than specialised politician
- Pre-school aged children in household?
- Private enterprise is the best way to solve Britain's economic problems
- Probability of voting for Brexit Party
- Probability of voting for Conservatives
- Probability of voting for Green party
- Probability of voting for Labour
- Probability of voting for Liberal Democrats
- Probability of voting for Plaid Cymru
- Probability of voting for Scottish National Party
- Rate China's response to coronavirus outbreak?
- Rate Germany's response to coronavirus outbreak?
- Rate Italy's response to coronavirus outbreak?
- Rate South Korea's response to coronavirus outbreak?
- Rate Sweden's response to coronavirus outbreak?
- Rate UK's response to coronavirus outbreak?
- Rate USA's response to coronavirus outbreak?
- Rather trust wisdom of ordinary people than experts
- Receive pay while you stopped working?
- Received high risk letter from NHS: Anyone close to you
- Received high risk letter from NHS: Close family member(s)
- Received high risk letter from NHS: You
- Redistribution scale: Brexit Party
- Redistribution scale: Conservatives
- Redistribution scale: Greens
- Redistribution scale: Labour
- Redistribution scale: Liberal Democrats
- Redistribution scale: Plaid Cymru
- Redistribution scale: Self
- Redistribution scale: SNP
- Reduce coronavirus infections/save economy scale: Conservatives
- Reduce coronavirus infections/save economy scale: Greens
- Reduce coronavirus infections/save economy scale: Labour
- Reduce coronavirus infections/save economy scale: Liberal Democrats
- Reduce coronavirus infections/save economy scale: Plaid Cymru
- Reduce coronavirus infections/save economy scale: Self
- Reduce coronavirus infections/save economy scale: SNP
- Region
- Respondent belonging to any religion?
- Respondent's self-selected ethnicity
- Respondent's work status
- Responsible for coronavirus: British public
- Responsible for coronavirus: EU
- Responsible for coronavirus: Expert advisers
- Responsible for coronavirus: NHS
- Responsible for coronavirus: None of these
- Responsible for coronavirus: Other
- Responsible for coronavirus: Scottish Govt
- Responsible for coronavirus: UK Govt
- Responsible for coronavirus: Welsh Govt
- Risk ladder: prefer guaranteed money or 50/50 draw for higher amount
- Satisfaction with UK democracy
- School aged children in household?
- Schools should teach children to obey authority
- Scotland Q only: Independence referendum vote intention
- Scotland Q only: Scottish identity scale
- Scottish Constituency Vote 2011
- Scottish Constituency Vote 2016
- Scottish referendum turnout (earliest recorded)
- Scottish referendum vote (earliest recorded)
- Scottish Regional Vote 2011
- Scottish Regional Vote 2016
- Self: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Sick or elderly in household?
- SNP look after black/asian
- SNP look after middle class
- SNP look after unemployed
- SNP look after working class
- SNP united or divided
- SNP: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Social Grade
- Stopped work since start of CV outbreak: Someone else in household
- Stopped work since start of CV outbreak: Yourself
- Strength of party identification
- Subjective social class
- Supported by Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: Member of Household
- Supported by Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: Self
- Supported by Coronavirus Self-Employment Income Support Scheme: Self
- Supported by other state benefits due to coronavirus: Member of Household
- Supported by other state benefits due to coronavirus: Self
- Supported by Universal Credit due to coronavirus: Member of Household
- Supported by Universal Credit due to coronavirus: Self
- Suspect anyone else you are close to has had coronavirus?
- Suspect close family members have had coronavirus?
- Suspect you have had coronavirus?
- Tax-spend tradeoff: Conservatives
- Tax-spend tradeoff: Labour
- Tax-spend tradeoff: Self
- The coronavirus crisis
- The coronavirus crisis getting better or worse
- The economy
- The economy
- The environment
- The environment
- The environment
- The environment
- The environment
- The European Union
- The NHS
- The NHS
- The Scottish government
- The UK Government
- The Welsh government
- There will be times when you don't have enough money to cover your day to day li
- Time follows politics in newspapers (including online)
- Time follows politics on the internet (not including newspapers)
- Time follows politics on the radio
- Time follows politics on TV
- To tackle coronavirus Britain should: Ask people to download track/trace app
- To tackle coronavirus Britain should: Ban gatherings of two or more
- To tackle coronavirus Britain should: Ban leaving home for non-essential reason
- To tackle coronavirus Britain should: Close schools
- To tackle coronavirus Britain should: Encourage handwashing
- To tackle coronavirus Britain should: Fine rulebreakers
- To tackle coronavirus Britain should: Imprison rulebreakers
- To tackle coronavirus Britain should: None of these (1)
- To tackle coronavirus Britain should: None of these (2)
- To tackle coronavirus Britain should: Only open essential shops
- To tackle coronavirus Britain should: Recommend 2m social distance
- To tackle coronavirus Britain should: Require mask wearing in public
- Too many people these days like to rely on government handouts
- Trust MPs in general
- Trust Westminster Govt to do what is right?
- Type of Organisation Current/Most Recent Job?
- Wales Q only: Welsh identity scale
- Was your parent an employee or self-employed?
- Weight variable for the GB sample as a whole (Everyone who took wave 2)
- Welsh Constituency Vote 2016
- Welsh Regional Vote 2016
- What is the highest educational or work-related qualification you have?
- What is your current marital or relationship status?
- What is your partner's highest level of education?
- What kind of organisation do you work for?
- What type of organisation did your parent work in?
- When someone is feeling 'down' I can usually understand how they feel
- When someone is unemployed, it's usually through no fault of their own
- Which daily newspaper do you read most often?
- Which of the following best describes your sexuality?
- Working status
- Worried: About impact of coronavirus on economy
- Worried: About impact of coronavirus on way of life
- Worried: You or someone close catching coronavirus
- Would economy be doing better/worse under Labour
- Would NHS be doing better /worse under Labour
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Conservative
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Green Party
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Labour
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Liberal Democrat
- Would successfully reduce immigration: None of these
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Plaid Cymru
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Scottish National Party (SNP)
- You will be out of a job and looking for work
- Young people today don't have enough respect for traditional British values
- Yourself