Wave 14 of the 2014-2023 British Election Study Internet Panel
May 2018 wave of the 2014-2023 British Election Study Internet Panel.
Fieldhouse, E., J. Green., G. Evans., H. Schmitt, C. van der Eijk, J. Mellon & C. Prosser (2018) British Election Study Internet Panel Wave 14. DOI: 10.5255/UKDA-SN-8202-2You need to log in to download BES files. Sign in or register for a free account
- 2005 GE turnout
- 2005 GE vote choice
- 2010 GE turnout
- 2010 GE vote choice
- 2019 GE turnout
- 2019 GE vote choice
- After being with a friend who is sad about something, I usually feel sad
- After Leave: The UK parliament will have more power
- After leaving the EU, how much control will Britain have over immigration?
- Age
- Age completed formal education
- Age group
- Any regrets about how you voted in the EU referendum?
- Approve: UK government
- Are you a parent or guardian?
- Are you, or have you ever been, a member of any Political party?
- Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability
- Attention to Politics
- Best party on most important issue
- Best way to run country: strong leader, ignore parliament/elections
- Binary auth value: More important for child: considerate/well-behaved
- Binary auth value: More important for child: curiosity/good manners
- Binary auth value: More important for child: independence/respect for elders
- Binary auth value: More important for child: obedience/self-reliance
- Brexit priority: access to single market versus controlling immigration
- Britain should re-nationalize the railways
- Britain should stop all government spending on overseas aid
- British identity scale
- Cares for pre-school age children
- Cares for school age children
- Cares for sick, disabled or elderly adults
- Child values: Determination, perseverance
- Child values: Feeling of responsibility
- Child values: Hard work
- Child values: Imagination
- Child values: Independence
- Child values: Obedience
- Child values: Religious faith
- Child values: Self-expression
- Child values: Thrift, saving money and things
- Child values: Tolerance and respect for other people
- Child values: Unselfishness
- Conservative contact in street: Frequency
- Conservative contact via email: Frequency
- Conservative contact via home visit: Frequency
- Conservative contact via letter/leaflet: Frequency
- Conservative contact via telephone call: Frequency
- Conservatives contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Conservatives united or divided
- Conservatives: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Contacted by any political parties/campaigns in last 4 weeks?
- Cost of Living getting higher or lower
- Country
- Country of Birth
- Crime levels getting higher or lower
- Describe you: Before criticising other race, imagine myself in their place
- Describe you: Feel protective of people exploited for race
- Describe you: Often concerned about people from other races
- Describe you: Understand perspective of those from other races
- Did you work on your own or did you have employees?
- Do you and/or your partner (if applicable) have any savings?
- Do you and/or your partner (if applicable) own any other property?
- Do you currently have a student loan?
- Do you expect to be able to purchase a home in the next 5 to 10 years?
- Do you have any long-term illness, health problem or disability which limits you
- Do you own or rent the home in which you live?
- Do you work on your own or do you have employees?
- Economic optimism indicator: good time to buy big household items
- Economy doing better or worse
- Education doing better or worse
- Education level
- Education level (with add. info)
- Effect of leaving EU on: Scottish economic situation
- Effects of leaving EU on: big businesses leaving UK
- Effects of leaving EU on: Britain's influence in the world
- Effects of leaving EU on: general economic situation in the UK
- Effects of leaving EU on: immigration to the UK
- Effects of leaving EU on: international trade
- Effects of leaving EU on: my personal financial situation
- Effects of leaving EU on: NHS
- Effects of leaving EU on: risk of terrorism
- Effects of leaving EU on: Scotland leaving the UK
- Effects of leaving EU on: unemployment
- Effects of leaving EU on: Welsh economic situation
- Effects of leaving EU on: working conditions for British workers
- English identity scale
- Equal opportunities for ethnic minorities gone too far | not far enough
- Equal opportunities for women gone too far |not far enough
- Equal opportunities to gays and lesbians gone too far | not far enough
- Estimated % household income, post-tax, spent on mortgage
- Estimated % household income, post-tax, spent on rent
- Estimated amount of debt you/partner are in
- EU ID: Criticism of my side feels like a personal insult
- EU ID: Feel connected when meeting supporters of same side
- EU ID: interested in what other people think
- EU ID: Lot in common with supporters of my side
- EU ID: Praise of my side makes me feel good
- EU ID: say we instead of they
- EU referendum identity
- EU referendum turnout (earliest recorded)
- EU referendum vote (earliest recorded)
- European identity scale
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Conservatives
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Greens
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Labour
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Liberal Democrats
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Plaid Cymru
- European Integration scale (1990s version): self
- European Integration scale (1990s version): SNP
- European Integration scale (1990s version): UKIP
- Everyone can be a winner at the same time
- Forced subjective class
- Gender
- General economic retrospective evaluation: country
- General Election turnout 2015 (earliest recorded)
- General Election turnout 2017 (earliest recorded)
- General Election vote 2015 (earliest recorded)
- General Election vote 2017 (earliest recorded)
- General election vote intention (recalled vote in post-election waves)
- Gone too far: cuts to local services in my area
- Gone too far: cuts to NHS spending
- Gone too far: cuts to public spending
- Green Party united or divided
- Green: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Gross household income
- Gross personal income
- Have felt angry about Conservatives
- Have felt angry about Greens
- Have felt fear about Conservatives
- Have felt fear about Greens
- Have you ever attended a University or other higher education institution?
- Highest Qualification
- Hopeful
- Hopeful
- How happy/disappointed are you that UK voted to leave the EU
- How is the UK Government handling the process of leaving the EU?
- How many children do you have (including adult children)?
- How many employees did your parent have?
- How many of the people in your household are under 18?
- How much discrimination for or against: BME
- How much discrimination for or against: Christians
- How much discrimination for or against: Men
- How much discrimination for or against: Muslims
- How much discrimination for or against: White
- How much discrimination for or against: Women
- How well government handling costs of living
- How well government handling crime
- How well government handling economy
- How well government handling education
- How well government handling immigration
- How well government handling NHS
- How well Labour would handle cost of living
- How well Labour would handle crime
- How well Labour would handle education
- How well labour would handle immigration
- How well Labour would handle the economy
- How well Labour would handle the NHS
- How well would Labour handle leaving the EU?
- I am not usually aware of my friends' feelings
- I can usually figure out when my friends are scared
- I can usually figure out when people are cheerful
- I can usually realize quickly when a friend is angry
- I don't become sad when I see other people crying
- Immigration bad or good for economy
- Immigration enriches or undermines cultural life
- Immigration levels getting higher or lower
- Importance to identity: Age
- Importance to identity: Education
- Importance to identity: Ethnicity/Race
- Importance to identity: Gender
- Importance to identity: Local Area
- Importance to identity: Occupation
- Importance to identity: Religion
- Importance to identity: Sexual Orientation
- In favour of a second EU referendum?
- Interview Start Time
- It is every citizen's duty to vote in an election
- Labour contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Labour emotions: Afraid
- Labour emotions: Angry
- Labour emotions: Hopeful
- Labour united or divided
- Labour: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Left/right position: Self
- Lib Dems contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Lib Dems favour a system of proportional representation for Westminster
- Lib Dems: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Liberal Democrats emotions: Afraid
- Liberal Democrats emotions: Angry
- Liberal Democrats emotions: Hopeful
- Liberal Democrats united or divided
- Life isn't about winners and losers, everyone can do well
- Like more in Parl: Christians
- Like more in Parl: Disabled people
- Like more in Parl: Ethnic minorities
- Like more in Parl: LGBT people
- Like more in Parl: Muslims
- Like more in Parl: None of these
- Like more in Parl: People from area they represent
- Like more in Parl: People under 30
- Like more in Parl: People with University degrees
- Like more in Parl: Women
- Like more in Parl: Working-class people
- Like/dislike Amber Rudd
- Like/dislike Jacob Rees-Mogg
- Like/dislike Jeremy Hunt
- Like/dislike Sajid Javid
- Like/dislike: Boris Johnson
- Like/dislike: Caroline Lucas
- Like/dislike: Conservatives
- Like/dislike: Gerard Batten
- Like/dislike: Green Party
- Like/dislike: Jeremy Corbyn
- Like/dislike: Labour
- Like/dislike: Liberal Democrats
- Like/dislike: Michael Gove
- Like/dislike: Patrick Harvie
- Like/dislike: Plaid Cymru
- Like/dislike: Richard Leonard
- Like/dislike: Ruth Davidson
- Like/dislike: Scottish National Party
- Like/dislike: Sturgeon
- Like/dislike: Theresa May
- Like/dislike: United Kingdom Independence Party
- Like/dislike: Vince Cable
- Like/dislike: Willie Rennie
- Like/dislike: Wood
- Likelihood to vote in general election
- Measures to protect the environment
- MPs from different parties are on parliamentary committees.
- My friends' emotions don't affect me much
- My friends' unhappiness doesn't make me feel anything
- Needed to borrow money for groceries/bills/day-to-day items
- NHS doing better or worse
- No caring responsibilities
- No-one may stand for parliament unless they pay a deposit.
- None of these
- None of these
- None of these
- None of these
- None of these parties contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Not worried at all | Very worried
- Number of people in household
- One person's loss is another person's gain
- Only taxpayers are allowed to vote in a general election.
- Other party contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Other people's feelings don't bother me at all
- Party ID if no party to first ID question
- Party identification
- Perceived difference between Conservative and Labour parties
- Personal economic retrospective evaluation: household
- Plaid Cymru contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Plaid Cymru emotions: Afraid
- Plaid Cymru emotions: Angry
- Plaid Cymru emotions: Hopeful
- Plaid Cymru emotions: None of these
- Plaid Cymru united or divided
- Plaid Cymru: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Please pick the approximate value of your home:
- Please pick the approximate value of your household savings:
- Please pick the approximate value of your second home:
- Polling stations close at 10.00pm on election day.
- Post-Brexit, British businesses have same level of access to European markets?
- Prop MPs: Christian
- Prop MPs: Degree
- Prop MPs: disabled
- Prop MPs: Ethnic minority
- Prop MPs: Female
- Prop MPs: From the area they represent
- Prop MPs: LGBT
- Prop MPs: Muslim
- Prop MPs: Under 30
- Prop MPs: Working class
- Proud
- Proud
- Proud
- Proud
- Proud
- Redistribution scale: Conservatives
- Redistribution scale: Greens
- Redistribution scale: Labour
- Redistribution scale: Liberal Democrats
- Redistribution scale: Plaid Cymru
- Redistribution scale: Self
- Redistribution scale: SNP
- Redistribution scale: UKIP
- Region
- Respondent belonging to any religion?
- Respondent's self-selected ethnicity
- Respondent's work status
- Scotland Q only: Approve: Scottish government
- Scotland Q only: Independence referendum vote intention
- Scotland Q only: Scottish identity scale
- Scottish Constituency Vote 2011
- Scottish Constituency Vote 2016
- Scottish referendum turnout (earliest recorded)
- Scottish referendum vote (earliest recorded)
- Scottish Regional Vote 2011
- Scottish Regional Vote 2016
- Self: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Should there be another Scottish independence referendum within 10 years
- Single market access requires: accepting EU regulations
- Single market access requires: accepting free movement
- Single market access requires: continue paying EU
- Single market access requires: none of these
- SNP contacted by email
- SNP contacted by letter/leaflet
- SNP contacted by social media
- SNP contacted by telephone
- SNP contacted in other ways
- SNP contacted in street
- SNP contacted you in last 4 weeks
- SNP emotions: Afraid
- SNP emotions: Angry
- SNP emotions: Hopeful
- SNP emotions: None of these
- SNP emotions: Proud
- SNP united or divided
- SNP visited home
- SNP: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Social Class?
- Social Grade
- Strength of party identification
- Strong Connection to Group?
- Tax-spend tradeoff: Conservatives
- Tax-spend tradeoff: Green
- Tax-spend tradeoff: Labour
- Tax-spend tradeoff: Lib Dems
- Tax-spend tradeoff: Plaid Cymru
- Tax-spend tradeoff: Self
- Tax-spend tradeoff: SNP
- Tax-spend tradeoff: UKIP
- The only way to make someone better off is to make someone else worse off
- There are ways to make everyone better off without anyone losing out
- There will be times when you don't have enough money to cover your day to day li
- There's only so much to go around. Life is about how much you get
- UK Parl knowledge: Number of MPs in Parliament about 100?
- UKIP contacted you in last 4 weeks
- UKIP emotions: Afraid
- UKIP emotions: Angry
- UKIP emotions: Hopeful
- UKIP emotions: None of these
- UKIP emotions: Proud
- UKIP united or divided
- UKIP: Allow more or fewer immigrants
- Vote intention in referendum on EU membership
- Wales Q only: Approve: Welsh government
- Wales Q only: Welsh identity scale
- Weight variable for the GB sample as a whole (Everyone who took wave 2)
- Welsh Constituency Vote 2016
- Welsh Parliament vote intention (new electoral system)
- Welsh Regional Vote 2016
- What about the local elections on the same day? Did you manage to vote in your l
- What is the highest educational or work-related qualification you have?
- What is your current marital or relationship status?
- When someone is feeling 'down' I can usually understand how they feel
- Which daily newspaper do you read most often?
- Which of the following best describes your sexuality?
- Which of these applies to your home?
- Which party are you a member of?
- Which party did you vote for in the local elections?
- Which party were you most recently a member of?
- Would economy be doing better/worse under Labour
- Would NHS be doing better /worse under Labour
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Conservative
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Green Party
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Labour
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Liberal Democrat
- Would successfully reduce immigration: None of these
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Plaid Cymru
- Would successfully reduce immigration: Scottish National Party (SNP)
- Would successfully reduce immigration: United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP)
- You will be out of a job and looking for work
- You/partner in debt, excluding mortgage/student loan