Wave 6 of the 2014-2023 British Election Study Internet Panel
The 2015 post-election wave of the 2014-2023 British Election Study Internet Panel. Version 25.0.
Fieldhouse, E., J. Green., G. Evans., H. Schmitt, C. van der Eijk, J. Mellon & C. Prosser (2015) British Election Study Internet Panel Wave 6. DOI: 10.5255/UKDA-SN-8202-2You need to log in to download BES files. Sign in or register for a free account
- 2005 GE turnout
- 2005 GE vote choice
- 2010 GE turnout
- 2010 GE vote choice
- 2015 GE turnout
- 2015 GE vote choice
- 2017 GE turnout
- 2017 GE vote choice
- 2019 GE turnout
- 2019 GE vote choice
- Age
- Age completed formal education
- Age group
- Any regrets about vote in 2015 General Election?
- Are you, or have you ever been, a member of any Political party?
- Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disabilit
- Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability
- Attention to Politics
- Authoritarian/libertarianism scale
- Best leader in the campaign
- Best party on most important issue
- Bought/refused to buy products for political/ethical reasons?
- Church attendance
- Coalition governments are more effective than single party governments
- Coalition governments are more in tune with the public
- Conservatives contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Conservatives united or divided
- Contacted a politician, government or local government official?
- Contacted by any political parties/campaigns in last 4 weeks?
- Country
- Country of birth
- Days respondent discusses politics
- Did you help any political party with their campaign?
- Did your parent have employees?
- Did your parent supervise the work of any other people?
- Dimension of MII
- Do you own or rent the home in which you live?
- Do you use Facebook?
- Do you use Twitter?
- Does England get fair share from Union?
- Does Scotland get fair share from Union?
- Does Wales get fair share from Union?
- Done any work on behalf of a political party or action group?
- During election campaign, get news on Facebook?
- During election campaign, get news on Twitter?
- Economic optimism indicator: good time to buy big household items
- Education level
- Employed in creative and cultural industries
- Employed in creative and cultural industries (excluding IT)
- Employed in IT industry
- Employers should be allowed to hire workers on zero-hour contracts
- EU Referendum postal vote retro
- EU referendum turnout (earliest recorded)
- EU referendum vote (earliest recorded)
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Conservatives
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Greens
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Labour
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Liberal Democrats
- European Integration scale (1990s version): Plaid Cymru
- European Integration scale (1990s version): self
- European Integration scale (1990s version): SNP
- European Integration scale (1990s version): UKIP
- European Integration scale (ESS version): Conservatives
- European Integration scale (ESS version): Greens
- European Integration scale (ESS version): Labour
- European Integration scale (ESS version): Liberal Democrats
- European Integration scale (ESS version): Plaid Cymru
- European Integration scale (ESS version): self
- European Integration scale (ESS version): SNP
- European Integration scale (ESS version): UKIP
- Expected financial situation of your household (12 months)
- Expected general economic situation in this country (12 months)
- Gender
- General economic retrospective evaluation: country
- General election vote intention (recalled vote in post-election waves)
- Given any money to a political party, organization or cause
- Gone on strike or taken industrial action?
- Gone too far: cuts to local services in my area
- Gone too far: cuts to NHS spending
- Gone too far: cuts to public spending
- Gone too far: measures to protect environment
- Gone too far: private companies running public services
- Green Party contacted by letter/leaflet
- Green Party contacted by telephone
- Green Party Contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Green Party united or divided
- Green Party visited home
- Gross household income
- Gross personal income
- Handle most important issue: Conservatives
- Handle most important issue: Labour
- Handle most important issue: Liberal Democrat
- Handle most important issue: Plaid Cymru
- Handle most important issue: SNP
- Have felt angry about Conservatives
- Have felt angry about Greens
- Have felt angry about UKIP
- Have felt fear about Conservatives
- Have felt fear about Greens
- Have tuition fee increases gone too far?
- Hopeful
- Hopeful
- How many employees did your parent have?
- How many of the people in your household are under 18?
- How many people worked for your parent's employer?
- I understand the important issues at stake in the EU referendum
- If regrets vote: How do you wish you had voted?
- In the recent General Election, did the candidate that you voted for get electe
- Income source: Dependent on parents/other relatives
- Income source: Earnings from employment (own or spouse/partner)
- Income source: Income support/family credit
- Income source: Interest from savings/investments
- Income source: Invalidity/sickness/disabled pension or benefits
- Income source: Jobseeker's Allowance/unemployment benefits
- Income source: Occupational pension(s) from previous employer
- Income source: Other source
- Income source: Other state benefits
- Income source: State retirement or widow's pension(s)
- Income source: Student grant/loan
- Interest in General Election
- Interview Start Time
- Is your name on the electoral register?
- It doesn't matter which political party is in power
- It doesn't matter which political party is in power
- It is difficult to understand what happens in gov and politics
- It is every citizen's duty to vote in an election
- It is more difficult to know who to blame when parties govern in coalition
- It takes too much time and effort to be active in politics
- Labour contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Labour emotions: Afraid
- Labour emotions: Angry
- Labour emotions: Hopeful
- Labour united or divided
- Left-right scale
- Left-right value: Big business takes advantage of ordinary poeple Waves 7-9
- Left-right value: Government should redistribute incomes Waves 7-9
- Left-right value: Management will always try to get the better of employees
- Left-right value: Ordinary working people do not get their fair share Waves 7-9
- Left-right value: There is one law for the rich and one for the poor Waves 7-9
- Left/right position: Conservative
- Left/right position: Greens
- Left/right position: Labour
- Left/right position: Lib Dems
- Left/right position: Plaid Cymru
- Left/right position: Self
- Left/right position: SNP
- Left/right position: UKIP
- Lib Dems contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Lib-Auth value: Censoring necessary to uphold moral standards Waves 7-9
- Lib-Auth value: For some crimes, death penalty most appropriate sentence Waves
- Liberal Democrats emotions: Afraid
- Liberal Democrats emotions: Angry
- Liberal Democrats emotions: Hopeful
- Liberal Democrats united or divided
- Like more in Parl: Christians
- Like more in Parl: Disabled people
- Like more in Parl: Ethnic minorities
- Like more in Parl: LGBT people
- Like more in Parl: Muslims
- Like more in Parl: People from area they represent
- Like more in Parl: People with University degrees
- Like more in Parl: Women
- Like more in Parl: Working-class people
- Like more in Parl: Young people
- Like/dislike: Bennett
- Like/dislike: British National Party (BNP)
- Like/dislike: Conservatives
- Like/dislike: David Cameron
- Like/dislike: Ed Miliband
- Like/dislike: Green Party
- Like/dislike: Labour
- Like/dislike: Liberal Democrats
- Like/dislike: Nick Clegg
- Like/dislike: Nicola Sturgeon
- Like/dislike: Nigel Farage
- Like/dislike: Plaid Cymru
- Like/dislike: Scottish National Party
- Like/dislike: United Kingdom Independence Party
- Like/dislike: Wood
- Main source of income for you/household
- MII (manually-coded/collapsed)
- MII manual coding
- Most people I know usually vote in general elections
- None of these
- None of these
- None of these
- None of these
- None of these parties contacted you in last 4 weeks
- NS-SEC social class analytic categories
- Number of people in household
- O*Net Job Zone Occupation Code
- Opinion on how to reduce deficit in next 3 years
- Opinion on necessity of deficit reduction in next 3 years
- Other leave campaign contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Other party contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Other remain campaign contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Parent's education level
- Parent's highest level of education
- Parent's ns-sec analytic categories
- Parent's ns-sec sub-categories
- Participation: Displayed referendum campaign poster
- Participation: Given money to party/organization/cause
- Participation: Listened to or watched referendum campaign broadcast
- Participation: work on behalf of party/campaign/action group
- Parties and politicians are more concerned with fighting each other than furthe
- Parties cannot deliver on their promises when they govern in coalition
- Party Campaign Help: Delivering Leaflets
- Party Campaign Help: Doorstep Canvassing
- Party Campaign Help: Helping at Campaign Office
- Party Campaign Help: Taking Numbers at Polling Stations
- Party Campaign Help: Telephoning Electors
- Party ID if no party to first ID question
- Party identification
- People should vote for the party they like, even if it will not win
- People who break the law should be given stiffer sentences
- Personal economic retrospective evaluation: household
- Plaid Cymru contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Plaid Cymru emotions: Afraid
- Plaid Cymru emotions: Angry
- Plaid Cymru emotions: Hopeful
- Plaid Cymru emotions: None of these
- Plaid Cymru united or divided
- Politicians don't care what people like me think
- Preferences for English powers | English votes on English laws
- Preferred seat distribution: majority or proportional
- Probability of voting for BNP
- Probability of voting for Conservatives
- Probability of voting for Green party
- Probability of voting for Labour
- Probability of voting for Liberal Democrats
- Probability of voting for Plaid Cymru
- Probability of voting for Scottish National Party
- Probability of voting for UKIP
- Proud
- Proud
- Proud
- Proud
- Proud
- Proud
- Redistribution scale: Conservatives
- Redistribution scale: Green Party
- Redistribution scale: Labour
- Redistribution scale: Liberal Democrats
- Redistribution scale: Plaid Cymru
- Redistribution scale: Self
- Redistribution scale: SNP
- Redistribution scale: UKIP
- Region
- Reported turnout in 2014 local elections
- Respondent belonging to any religion?
- Respondent filled in registration form, or someone else
- Respondent was under 18 at time of wave 8
- Respondent's self-selected ethnicity
- Respondent's work status
- Risk of poverty: times when won't have enough money
- Risk of unemployment
- Satisfaction with English democracy
- Satisfaction with EU democracy
- Satisfaction with Scottish democracy
- Satisfaction with the current system of registration
- Satisfaction with UK democracy
- Satisfaction with Welsh democracy
- Schools should teach children to obey authority
- Scotland Q only: Expectations about Scottish powers
- Scotland Q only: Independence referendum vote intention
- Scotland Q only: Preferences for Scottish powers
- Scotland Q only: Vote intention for Scottish Parliament | constituency
- Scotland Q only: Which institution should decide: Defence
- Scotland Q only: Which institution should decide: NHS
- Scotland Q only: Which institution should decide: Police
- Scotland Q only: Which institution should decide: Schools
- Scotland Q only: Which institution should decide: Tax
- Scotland Q only: Which institution should decide: Welfare benefits
- Scottish Constituency Vote 2011
- Scottish Constituency Vote 2016
- Scottish referendum turnout (earliest recorded)
- Scottish referendum vote (earliest recorded)
- Scottish regional vote
- Scottish Regional Vote 2011
- Scottish Regional Vote 2016
- Scottishness: Conservatives
- Scottishness: Greens
- Scottishness: Labour
- Scottishness: SNP
- Should immigration level increase/decrease?
- Should there be another Scottish independence referendum within 10 years
- Signed a petition not on the Internet?
- Signed a petition on the Internet?
- SNP contacted by email
- SNP contacted by letter/leaflet
- SNP contacted by SMS
- SNP contacted by telephone
- SNP contacted in other ways
- SNP contacted in street
- SNP contacted you in last 4 weeks
- SNP emotions: Afraid
- SNP emotions: Angry
- SNP emotions: Hopeful
- SNP emotions: None of these
- SNP emotions: Proud
- SNP visited home
- Social Grade
- Strength of party identification
- Stronger in contacted you in last 4 weeks
- Taken part in a public demonstration?
- Thinking back to the last UK General Election on May 7th 2015, a lot of people
- Time follows politics in newspapers (including online)
- Time follows politics on the internet (not including newspapers)
- Time follows politics on the radio
- Time follows politics on TV
- Time follows politics talking to other people
- Tone: Conservatives
- Tone: Greens
- Tone: Labour
- Tone: Liberal Democrats
- Tone: Plaid Cymru
- Tone: SNP
- Tone: UKIP
- Trust MPs in general
- UKIP contacted you in last 4 weeks
- UKIP emotions: Afraid
- UKIP emotions: Hopeful
- UKIP emotions: None of these
- UKIP united or divided
- Understands the important political issues facing our country
- Vote intention: Local Elections
- Vote leave contacted you in last 4 weeks
- VoteMethod: Polling station alone
- VoteMethod: Polling station with someone who did not vote
- VoteMethod: Polling station with someone who voted
- VoteMethod: Postal vote
- VoteMethod: Proxy vote (someone else for me)
- Voting for small parties is wasting a vote
- Wales Q only: Preferences for Welsh powers
- Wales Q only: Preferences for Welsh powers
- Wales Q only: Vote intention for Welsh Assembly | constituency
- Wales Q only: Which insitution should decide: Tax
- Wales Q only: Which institution should decide: Defence
- Wales Q only: Which institution should decide: Justice
- Wales Q only: Which institution should decide: NHS
- Wales Q only: Which institution should decide: Police
- Wales Q only: Which institution should decide: Schools
- Wales Q only: Which institution should decide: Welfare
- Was your parent an employee or self-employed?
- Weight variable for the GB sample as a whole (Everyone who took wave 2)
- Welfare too high or too low?
- Welsh Constituency Vote 2016
- Welsh Regional Vote 2016
- What is the highest educational or work-related qualification you have?
- What is your current marital or relationship status?
- What kind of organisation do you work for?
- What type of organisation did your parent work in?
- When someone is unemployed, it's usually through no fault of their own
- Which daily newspaper do you read most often?
- Which of the following best describes your sexuality?
- Which parties helped: Conservatives
- Which parties helped: Greens
- Which parties helped: Labour
- Which parties helped: Liberal Democrats
- Which parties helped: Other
- Which parties helped: Plaid Cymru
- Which parties helped: SNP
- Which parties helped: UKIP
- Which party are you a member of?
- Which party were you most recently a member of?
- Worst leader in the campaign
- Young people today don't have enough respect for traditional British values