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British Election Study Combined Wave 1-25 Internet Panel Legacy Variables

  • February 2014 - May 2023
  • N = 104,637
  • Mode: Online survey

A dataset containing deprecated weights and other variables that have been dropped from the main data set, which we provide here for replication purposes.

Fieldhouse, E., J. Green, G. Evans, J. Mellon & C. Prosser, J. Bailey, R. de Geus, H. Schmitt and C. van der Eijk (2023) British Election Study Internet Panel Waves 1-25. DOI: 10.5255/UKDA-SN-8202-2

British Election Study Combined Wave 1-25 Internet Panel

  • February 2014 - May 2023
  • N = 0
  • Mode: Online survey

A panel dataset including waves 1-25 of the BES Internet Panel.

Fieldhouse, E., J. Green, G. Evans, J. Mellon & C. Prosser, J. Bailey, R. de Geus, H. Schmitt and C. van der Eijk (2023) British Election Study Internet Panel Waves 1-25. DOI: 10.5255/UKDA-SN-8202-2