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British Election Study Internet Panel: Devolved Politics and COVID-19 Supplement (Wave 22) – Linkable to Scottish/Welsh Election Studies

  • November 2021 - December 2021
  • N = 30,281

Set of items that were fielded in Wave 22 of the British Election Study Internet Panel, which focused on the constitutional questions and devolved politics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of these items were also fielded in the Scottish & Welsh Election Studies. The dataset includes ID numbers that can be used to link respondents across surveys.

Fieldhouse, E. Green, J. Evans, G. Mellon, J. Prosser, C. Bailey, J. Griffiths, J. and Perrett, S. (2024). British Election Study Internet Panel: Devolved Politics and COVID-19 Supplement (Wave 22) – Linkable to Scottish/Welsh Election Studies. DOI:10.48420/25460800.v1

Teaching Version of the British Election Study Internet Panel Wave 1-25 v1: Wide Format

  • February 2014 - May 2023
  • N = 0
  • Mode: Online survey

A condensed version of the British Election Study Internet Panel W1-W25, intended for use as a teaching aid. Presented in wide format.

Fieldhouse, E. Green, J. Evans, G. Mellon, J. Prosser, C. Bailey, J. Griffiths, J. and Perrett, S. (2024). Teaching Version of the British Election Study Internet Panel. DOI:10.48420/25460980.v1

Teaching Version of the British Election Study Internet Panel Wave 1-25 v1: Long Format

  • February 2014 - May 2023
  • N = 0
  • Mode: Online survey

A condensed version of the British Election Study Internet Panel W1-W25, intended for use as a teaching aid. Presented in long format.

Fieldhouse, E. Green, J. Evans, G. Mellon, J. Prosser, C. Bailey, J. Griffiths, J. and Perrett, S. (2024). Teaching Version of the British Election Study Internet Panel. DOI:10.48420/25460980.v1

British Election Study Combined Wave 1-25 Internet Panel open ended response data

  • February 2014 - May 2023
  • N = 107,796
  • Mode: Online survey

British Election Study Combined Wave 1-25 Internet Panel open ended response data.

Fieldhouse, E., J. Green, G. Evans, J. Mellon & C. Prosser, J. Bailey, R. de Geus, H. Schmitt and C. van der Eijk (2023) British Election Study Internet Panel Waves 1-25. DOI: 10.5255/UKDA-SN-8202-2