Data download
Here you will find all British Election Study data released by the current BES team, as well as historical BES data collected in elections between 1964 and 2010. New data are listed first. This provides a one-stop-shop comprehensive list of BES data.
The categories are as follows:
- Cross-sectional data: post-election face-to-face surveys, including historical cross-sectional data.
- Legacy: a legacy version of the current panel study for replication purposes.
- Linked data: including constituency results, Expert Survey and CSES data.
- Panel study data: the current 2014-2020 voter panel study, plus historical panel data.
All data listed here can be freely downloaded. By downloading the data you agree to the terms and conditions of use.
Please cite the relevant information in all uses and publications.
Data Playground
Welcome to the BES Data Playground. Create a graph, choose data and variables and see the raw data in a table beneath each graph. Please cite the British Election Study in any uses of these data.
The British Election Study is not responsible for any analysis or any uses of data playground analysis. All data in the data playground are weighted for a general population of Great Britain. Scotland, Wales and England specific weights are not applied.
While the Data Playground is designed to handle multiple waves of data, we recommend using no more than 15 waves in a single graph. For more complex or detailed analysis than possible in the playground, please download the data from the Data Download section of this page.
Fieldhouse, E., J. Green, G. Evans, J. Mellon & C. Prosser, J. Bailey, R. de Geus, H. Schmitt and C. van der Eijk (2021) British Election Study Internet Panel Waves 1-21. DOI 10.5255/UKDA-SN-8810-1.
Chart images: Google under CC-BY 3.0 licence